World Poetry Day celebrated on Oxford bus tour

Andrew Pritchard, 69, exchanged his 28 -year career as a carpet cleaner for a microphone in 2023 and has entertained tourists with his in -depth knowledge of Oxford since.
The father of two was born and grew up in the city and found a new enthusiasm for poetry during the pandemic when his catches on haircuts and politics were well received by his online followers.
To mark World Poetry Day on Friday March 21, Mr. Pritchard presented his talents during three Oxford visits to three cities which spent monuments, notably Oxford Castle, Carfax Tower and Christ Church College.
Andrew Pritchard (Image: Communications Fortitude) He recites all his poetry of memory, with verses this year hanging on local monuments and the famous faces that have crossed the doors of the most recognizable buildings of the University of Oxfords, including the Prime Ministers Sir Keir Starmer, Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson.
Mr. Pritchard said: “Poetry allows your mind to run freely. There are so many types of poetry and ways to deliver the verses you have written.
“I like my poems flowing, and I have to deliver them from memory, I think it really helps me to connect with the public and there is no better feeling.”
The day also coincided with English tourism week, which celebrates the contribution that tourism makes to the British economy.
City Sightseeing Oxford organized an additional guide to talk to visitors through the main major attractions and monuments to celebrate the week in addition to the poetics of Mr. Pritchard.
He said: “Reading my poetry on our visits to the city of Oxford began as a little pleasure two years ago as an alternative means of bringing our incredible city to life.
“The comments of our passengers were really positive and its snowball since.
“There are so many history to discover in Oxford, even if you are a premises like me for almost seven decades.
“As tourist guides, we want to translate this story to visitors in a fun and engaging way that makes the faces of peoples smile.”
Mr. Pritchard also volunteers at the Archway Foundation – a charitable organization in Loneeliness, based in Oxford – by supporting his campaign of loneliness, just laughter and the Oxfordshire Age UK.
The two charitable organizations helped him find his feet after the death of his wife.
He said: poetry brought me a lot of joy through sad moments after losing my wife.
It is wonderful to have the support of my colleagues from City Sightseing who are all looking forward to marking World Poetry Day.
Sources 2/ https://www.thisisoxfordshire.co.uk/news/25032948.world-poetry-day-celebrated-oxford-bus-tour/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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