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The demonstrators target Erdogan as repression increases

The demonstrators target Erdogan as repression increases



The Turkish authorities have owned nearly 1,500 people in the midst of the largest antigan demonstrations in more than a decade, the country's interior minister announced on March 25.

The demonstrations broke out on March 19 in response to the arrest of the mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu, the president of the strong man Recep Tayyip Erdogans political rival which was struck by accusations of corruption that his supporters call politically motivated.

Interior Minister Alil Yerlikaya said in a March 25 post on x That 1,418 suspects had been detained so far in illegal demonstrations, of which nearly 1,000 are in detention and have condemned those who, according to him, had insulted members of the Erdogan family.

Tear gas and rubber bullets

While the most serious clashes between the demonstrators and the police – who deployed tear gas and rubber bullets – took place around Sarachane Square near the city administration, the demonstrations observed by RFE / RL in Kadikoy, the historic center of the Asian part of Istanbuls, seemed peaceful.

RFE / RL spoke with several demonstrators in Kadikoy, where young men and women with tattoos walked alongside older demonstrators with canes and demonstrators held portraits of imamoglu.

A woman walking with a Turkish flag in her hand which only gave her first name, Avoir, said that the demonstration did not only concern the arrest of Imamoglu.

For many years, this country has been mistreated, corruption has been raised and human rights have been violated. We are protesting against this, “said Sourvice, 44, in RFE / RL.

Imamoglu, 54, was detained At his home at the beginning of March 19 with dozens of others in the midst of an investigation into corruption. On March 23, he was selected during a vote as a candidate of the opposition republican Popular Party (CHP) for the turkeys that plan to provide the next presidential election in 2028.

A person passes in front of a banner with an image of the mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu during a demonstration against his detention in Istanbul on March 20.
A person passes in front of a banner with an image of the mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu during a demonstration against his detention in Istanbul on March 20.

The demonstrations against his arrest continued in many cities of Turkey in last week despite the ban on the authorities.

Yerlikaya accused demonstrators of “terrorizing” the streets.

During the demonstrations in Kadikoy on March 23, the atmosphere was less worrying than the characterization of Yerlikayas, the owners of small businesses out to salute the passenger demonstrators. A souvenir shop owner placed a photo of Imamoglus in front of the store.

'I want democracy'

Murat, a 20 -year -old academic student who did not give his first name due to security problems, noted that Erdogan, who came to power in 2003, is the only Turkish leader in which he lived.

Erdogan has been in power for more than two decades. I don't want that anymore; I want democracy in my country, said Murat.

Erdogan said on March 24 that the demonstrations against the imprisonment of Imamoglu, who had been elected mayor of Istanbuls in 2019, had become a “movement of violence” and that the authorities would hold the CHP responsible for material damage and injuries suffered by the police.

The CHP flags were everywhere in Kadikoy, where a large portrait in imamoglu fabric had been hung on the central square.

The trendy district is popular among the secular residents who attend bars and cafes there. However, the Erdogan Justice and Development Party enjoys a strong support for more religious segments of Turkish society.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, seen here speaking in Malaysia last month, has been in power for over 20 years.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, seen here speaking in Malaysia last month, has been in power for over 20 years.

Mahmut, a taxi driver in Kadikoy who supports Erdogan, told RFE / RL that the opposition could not trust.

They are corrupt. All they can do is say beautiful speeches and deceive people. We must not defend them, he said.

The ongoing anti -government demonstrations have been the largest since 2013, when demonstrations initially against the redevelopment plans of GEZI Park in Istanbul have turned into generalized demonstrations.

These demonstrations sparked a severe repression by the authorities in which the rights of rights are said that 11 people were killed and more than 8,000 injured.

While the evening was approaching Kadikoy on March 23, the sound of residents hitting pots from their balconies in support of the imprisoned mayor of Istanbuls struck in the air.

With Reuters report




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