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La Russa: “Xi Jinping Milan's Fan? I think you have to change your mind”. And invites the vice-president to the Olympic Games

La Russa: “Xi Jinping Milan's Fan? I think you have to change your mind”. And invites the vice-president to the Olympic Games



Milan, March 25. (DNKRONOS) – Tuesday, March 25, at Lippoddromo Snai San Siro, presentation, presentation of the Changthegame application, the first application in Italy designed for the prevention of any form of abuse and violence in sport is taking place today.

Levento, who was born out of the collaboration between the Snaitech, Changeethegame and True Volley Foundation, saw the participation of Martina Riva, sport advisor, tourism and youth policies of the municipality of Milan, Fabio Schiavolin, vice-professional of the Snaitetech and CEO Snaitech, Daniela Simonetti, Daniela Simonetti, Daniela Simonetti Consortium Vera Volley.

After inaugurating the first free psychological assistance office for the victims of violence in the sport of Luniversit la Sapienza in Rome last September, the Snaitech Foundation and Changhegame La Cares continue their commitment with the non-inovative digital solution, supported in this new project by the Volley Consortium Volley, a reference reality in Italian volleyball.

Reality has chosen to associate with the construction of a future in which sport is for everyone and all synonymous with respect, security and sharing.

LAPP Changethegame, developed by TXT Group, was created to respond to concrete unification: to offer young athletes an accessible and immediate tool to recognize, prevent and contrast abuse situations.

“Supporting concrete tools to prevent abuses and violence in sport means defending the most authentic part of the IC that sport represents: a safe place to develop, learn respect and establish healthy relations, declares Martina Riva, adviser for sport, tourism and youth policies of the Municipality of Young Protection. On the side of those who, as a snaitech, Changethegame and True Volleyball, to act with courage and responsibility to protect the values ​​of the deepest sport.

Sport must be a place of growth, respect and inclusion. When these values ​​are compromised by abuse and violence, our duty to intervene, underlines Fabio Schiavolin, vice-president of the SNAitech Foundation. This is why we decided to support and promote this project with Changethegame and we are proud to present an innovative tool to provide support and listen to young athletes and athletes. We hope that this is only the beginning of a concrete change, in which passion and pleasure remain the only protagonists of sport.

Changethegame thanks the SNAITECH Foundation for having been active for a radical change in the sporting context, the one who first puts the psychophysics of athletes and athletes, their listening, their growth. A current and operational revolution within the Vero Volley Consortium which has made values ​​its guidelines, declares Daniela Simonetti, founder of Changethegame. Be concrete, pass words to acts, give a practical tool as an apparent to develop in front of consciousness and to facilitate the listening demand and help an online step with international directives. A tool developed by TXT which is put at the service of a good cause – remind all the protagonists of sports contexts that sport means fun, friendship, empathy, solidarity, listening and attention.

“Sport, by definition, synonymous inclusion, collaboration and union as an important reality in the sector, we are called every day to do this type of concepts, especially in the eyes of young people and young people, who need models of experts from which to be inspired to find in sports discipline, not a place of shock, intimidation and violence, bens of growth, friendship, respect and passion. Evolutionary, a great opportunity for training that we have, in order to create life skills in the young man, says Alessandra Marzari, co-founder of Changethegame and president of Consortium Vera Volley. From demand itself, we will be able to offer an even more determined help and concludes useful to fight and defeat violence in the world of sport.

Thanks to an intuitive interface, clover and fun content, LAPP proposes as a useful tool for identifying discomfort situations through games and information equipment designed by expert professionals to help young athletes recognize inappropriate behavior and know their rights.

To these first educational and fun sections, a function dedicated to the declaration of inadequate behavior is also accompanied by an additional. Identified with the help button, it represents an emergency tool that allows you to submit an immediate assistance request. For those under 14, the report is sent directly to parents, while for children over 14 and adults, it is possible to choose up to five trust.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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