Trump is not a king but that does not prevent him from reveling in his most ceremonial and exciting work

The heads of state are the symbolic leader of a country. Some of them, like King Charles III of the United Kingdom, play largely ceremonial roles these days. Others, like the Saudi king Salman, are absolute monarchs involved in the governance of the country's daily activities and policies. It also means that the Saudi monarch can do whatever he wants without much consequence of others.
In the United States, the president is both the head of state and the head of government. The Head of Government works with legislators and meets other world leaders to negotiate agreements and navigate conflicts, among other responsibilities.
Some presidents, such as Jimmy Carter, have embarrassed so much in the details that the night comedy show Saturday Night Live made fun in 1977. SNL sponsored Carter answering in extreme and banal details to a question on the repair of a posting letter.
As a political scientist who studies the American presidents, I see that President Donald Trump loves power and the prestige that comes from the Head of State, but does not seem particularly to enjoy the responsibility of being head of government.
Trump rarely talks about the often judicious governance process and acts rather with governance by decree by signing a wave of decrees to avoid working with other parties of the government. He also compared to a king, writing on February 19, 2025, long live the king!
As much as Trump likes to organize sports teams and talk about paving on the Rose Garden white houses in a renovation project, he seems to reluctantly accept the role of head of government.
President Donald Trump is taken around the track before Daytona 500 in Daytona Beach, Florida, February 16, 2025. Chris Graythen / Getty Images you must be grateful
Trump revels in social events in which he is announced as the most important person in the room. On February 9, 2025, Trump became the first President to exercise to attend a Super Bowl. A week later, he attended Daytona 500 in Daytona Beach, Florida, where his limousine led the drivers to finish a ceremony.
Trumps' preference for having been head of state and not head of government was fully exposed during his now sadly famous on February 28, 2025, meeting the White House with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
During the Oval Office TV meeting, Trump said on Zelenskyy several times, you have to be grateful.
Trump demanded the deference of Zelenskyy to show his lower position and subject as beneficiary of American aid and military support. They are manners of absolute kings, not elected officials.
Governing by decrees
The start of Trumps' second term was filled with changes in changes mainly through executive shares. The Trump administration ordered the Pentagon to stop cyber operations against Russia and dismissed hundreds of employees at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The Administration also closed the Office of Civil Rights of Social Security Administrations and, among others, appointed the president president of Kennedy Center, a place of arts of the show in Washington.
Trump has promulgated political changes almost exclusively thanks to decrees, instead of working with the Congress on Legislation.
The decrees must not be negotiated with the legislative power and can be written by a small team of advisers and approved by the presidents. In the first six weeks, Trump signed more than 90 decrees. In comparison, former President Joe Biden signed 162 decrees during his four years in power.
Many decrees of the asset are disputed in court, and some have probably not been constitutional.
More importantly, the successor prevails can transform decrees into confetti in an instant, simply with a signature. Trump himself signed at least two decrees which cancel more than 60 previous decrees, mainly signed by Biden.
The fact that Trump has deleted almost all Bidens' executive orders underlines how orders can create a change for a while, or a few years. But with regard to the change in long -term policy, an action of the congress is necessary.
President Donald Trump signed a series of decrees at the White House on March 6, 2025. Alex Wong / Getty Images Trump is bored
At the start of Trumps' first term in 2017, the administration planned weeks on the theme made in America and American Heroes, for example, to highlight the changes he intended to continue.
Trump staff launched, arrested and then revived a week of seven times in 2019.
During his second term, Trump cultivated numerous tasks of government responsible for other people, including billionaire Elon Musk, who heads the new Ministry of Government. In mid-February 2025, Trump gave Musk, who owned the title of employee of the special government, monitoring of hiring decisions in all government agencies.
But as Doge has launched generalized discounts in various government agencies and offices in order to reduce government waste, Musk would have faced members of the Trumps cabinet. This includes Secretary of State Marco Rubio, as well as other independent agencies funded by the Congress.
Government agencies, funding beneficiaries and others postpone against cuts and sometimes succeed in making court decisions that stop the dismissal of civil servants or reintegrate other workers at work. Trump also seems to have abdicated most bureaucracy responsibilities towards others by authorizing the Musks team unprecedented access to sensitive programs and documents that include personal information from peoples.
Absolute kings, queens, emperors and dictators are heads of state who require obedience because they hold the nation in their grip.
The presidents of elected democracies can, as in the case of the United States, have a ceremonial aspect at work, but it is only part of it. The people democratically choose the American presidents to serve everyone and to provide the best possible government.
Sources 2/ https://theconversation.com/trump-is-not-a-king-but-that-doesnt-stop-him-from-reveling-in-his-jobs-most-ceremonial-and-exciting-parts-251445 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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