PM Modi will go to talks with Professor Yunus at the Bimstec summit in Bangkok

Professor of the Bangladesh government, Professor Muhammad Yunus may look forward to meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi during an individual discussion at an important summit, scheduled from April 2 to 4 in Bangkok, but it is unlikely that this will happen. Dhaka had already made an official request to the Union government in New Delhi for a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Modi on the sidelines of the Bengal Bay initiative for the technical and economic multisectoral summit of cooperation (BIMSTEC). However, the only winner of the Nobel Prize in Bangladesh, which temporarily took care of the regime following a mass uprising led by students, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in August of last year, embarked on a visit to China just before the summit and was supposed to meet the Chinese president Xi Jinping in Beijing on March 28.
In addition, the octogenarian banker has become the chief advisor to interim governments recently initiated in Islamabad, even if Pakistan himself faces serious internal problems with the Nationals by suckling Baloutch Freedom. Political observers believe that the impious alliance between Dacca and Islamabad can pose more challenges in New Delhi. While Pakistan remains an enemy nation since its birth, another neighbor of Bangladesh also begins to behave like an enemy for India. We can mention that Professor Yunus met the Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in New York at the United Nations General Assembly in September 2024. It was followed by regular freight delivery and direct flights to facilitate the people to contact between Bangladesh and Pakistan (incentives, by chance, were under the same territory). A few days ago, a delegation of Pakistani traders visited Dhaka in order to establish a mixed council and a team of Bangladian military officials made a trip to Pakistan, followed by a Pakistani military delegation visiting the Bangladesh.
Meanwhile, a strong message from Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), an ideologist of the Bharatiya Janata ruling party, on atrocities on religious minorities in Bangladesh with impunity of government agencies, can immediately prevent such discussions with Professor Yunus. The RSSS Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha 2025 (ABPS) on March 22 expressed its serious concern on violence, injustice and tirelessly oppression to which Hindu communities and other minorities are in the hands of radical Islamist elements in the neighboring country. With regard to an adjusted case of human rights violation, the ABPs observed that during the recent change of regime in the Dhaka, several incidents of attacks against mathematics, temples, durgapuja pandals and educational establishments, profanation of deities, barbaric massacres, looting of properties, abduction and assault of women and enthusiastic conversions.
RSS Sah Sarkaryavah Arun Kumar, while informing the media in the midst of the three-day ABPs (March 21-23, 2025) held in Bengaluru, highlighted the continuous decline of the Hindu population in Bangladesh (22% in 1951 at only 7.95% today) affirming that it is only refusing the seriousness of the sustainable crisis. The level of organized violence and the passive response of governments in recent months have been alarming, but the administration continues to deny the religious angle of these incidents.
The annual RSSS meeting has also raised concerns concerning the increase in anti-Bharat rhetoric in Bangladesh, which threatens to submit ties historically deeply rooted between the two nations. Bharat and its neighboring countries share a common cultural and historical heritage, and any form of community discord in a part of the region affects the entire subcontinent, commented Kumar. He also added that despite a strong persecution, the Hindus of Bangladesh had shown remarkable resilience in their struggle for justice and religious freedom.
Their peaceful, collective and democratic resistance encountered a strong moral and psychological support of the Hindus in Bharat and around the world. New Delhi reiterated his commitment to present himself to the Hindu and other minorities in Bangladesh and embarked on diplomatic efforts with Dhaka. Finally, the Sangh called on international organizations such as the United Nations and the world community to seriously take these inhuman acts and put pressure on Dhaka to take concrete measures to stop violence against Hindus and other minorities. He claimed to remain resolved in the commitment to protect the rights, dignity and religious freedom of the Hindus in Bangladesh and urged immediate intervention to combat this serious humanitarian and existential crisis.
Sources 2/ https://www.borderlens.com/2025/03/25/pm-modi-unlikely-to-engage-in-talks-with-prof-yunus-during-bimstec-summit-in-bangkok/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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