Nigel Farage News: Brexit leaders shock Donald Trump confession revealed | United Kingdom | New
Farage made the claim in an interview in 2016 in the aftermath of President Trump's election victory, boasting of being the "catalyst" for political change in Washington and beyond. He also claimed that he helped Tony Blair, the Clintons and George W. Bush to descend. He told TalkRadio: "I am the catalyst for the downfall of the Blairites, Clintonites, Bushites and all these terrible people who work hand in hand with Goldman Sachs and everyone, have enriched themselves and ruined our countries , I couldn't be happier. "
He also denounced Trump's predecessor – Barack Obama -, saying that he had not been friends with the United Kingdom.
He added: "This Obama creature – a hateful person – he couldn't stand our country. He said we would be at the back of the queue, no is this not? "
"What was interesting was that Trump said we would be in the lead.
"Whatever imperfect Donald Trump is, and my God that he is, his mother was Scottish, he owns Turnberry, he spends a lot of time in our country, he loves our country, what we stand for and our culture. "
The former head of Ukip also took advantage of Trump's victory to hit Boris Johnson.
When Trump entered the White House, he only called then Prime Minister Theresa May after speaking to 10 other world leaders, despite the often-praised "special relationship" between London and Washington.
Mr Farage blamed the former mayor of London for this, citing scathing comments he made about the American billionaire during his tenure.
Four months before the President claimed his election victory, Johnson sought to dissociate his Brexit advocacy from Trump's "isolationist" foreign policy.
READ MORE: Nigel Farage Says Republicans Should Donate To Bernie Sanders
Johnson has faced the head of the White House on several occasions.
In 2015, after Trump proposed a Muslim ban in his efforts to become president, the mayor of London at the time accused the then Republican Party candidate of "staggering ignorance."
He said: “Donald Trump's uninformed comments are complete and completely absurd.
"What it does is play the game of terrorists and those who seek to divide us, and I must say that when Trump says that there are no-go areas in London, he betrays an astonishing ignorance which makes him frankly unfit for the office of the presidency.
"I would like to invite him to come visit all of London and take him to town, except that I would not want to expose Londoners to the unnecessary risk of meeting Donald Trump."
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