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Alec Baldwin says Donald Trump is the "pandemic that threatens the world"


As the coronavirus continues to spread around the world, actor Alec Baldwin turned to Twitter to target President Donald Trump, whom he poses as the famous Saturday Night Live, Breitbart reported.

"The pandemic that threatens the world is Trump," he tweeted from his Hilaria and Alec Baldwin Foundation (HABF) account.

Along with Baldwin, many other celebrities and media people have commented on the coronavirus and Trump's handling of the situation. Through Daily hive, Save America Pod co-host Tommy Vietor echoes Baldwin and suggested that the president himself is a threat to the world.

"Nothing reassures you about the risk of a global pandemic like a president who sometimes seems illiterate," Vietor tweeted.

Journalist Thor Benson has focused on Trump's alleged fear of the coronavirus being able to do him politically. According to Benson, Trump wants to hide information about the virus not for public safety but for political gain.

Conversely, comedian Tommy Campbell seemed more frightened by Trump's decision to appoint Vice President Mike Pence to head the coronavirus task force.

"He is a man who denies science and who depends on prayer to heal and cannot attend a one-on-one meeting with a woman without a hood."

In an appearance on MSNBC 11th hour, documentary filmmaker Michael Moore spoke with Brian Williams and suggested that the president poses a greater threat to the world than the coronavirus.

"If the president tells people that this is a hoax, that there is nothing to fear, that he will disappear as he said yesterday, and it will be a miracle. I sat there just thinking before I came here, "What is more dangerous?" A virus or a president who says that? "

however, Breitbart noted that Williams had earlier claimed that Trump had qualified the coronavirus as a hoax, which the publication notes as inaccurate. Instead, Trump would have called the democratic politicization of the virus as a hoax, not the virus itself.

As for Baldwin, he expressed his dissatisfaction with Trump since before the coronavirus stroke. As reported by Fox News, Baldwin went on Twitter earlier this month to accuse the Republican Party of giving Trump powers comparable to those of Adolf Hitler. His tweets came in the wake of the Republican-led Trump acquittal, which marked the end of the impeachment trial.

"It's official. The government of the United States is as lawless as the malicious dictatorships that we hate in our foreign policy since World War II," tweeted Baldwin.

A few hours later, Baldwin again consulted Twitter to warn against Trump and the alleged rise of fascism of which he is a part.

"Remember that fascist thinking takes hold when a standard of living is constantly under threat," tweeted Baldwin.

He continued to assert that people in these situations are under financial pressure and believe that their standard of living is changing for the worse and "will become the new norm".

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