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Speeding up the management of the Covid-19 virus, Mulyadi urges the president to distribute rapid test equipment


PADANG, HARIANHALUAN.COM – Indonesian member of the House of Representatives, Mulyadi, urged Indonesian President Joko Widodo to speed up the distribution of the Covid-19 or Corona rapid test tool in each region. It is expected that the spread of the virus can be detected in a short time.

“I ask the central government to immediately send Corona rapid test materials to the regions, especially referral hospitals in each province and district / city,” said Mulyadi.

The candidate for governor (Cagub) in West Sumatra, Mulyadi, known as a populist, explained that the tools available in each referral hospital in Corona are currently inadequate. In fact, there are still hospitals that only have an isolation room for suspected corona patients.

As in the Bukittinggi area, west of Sumatra, based on information held by Mulyadi, there were 8 suspected corona patients who had just been isolated. So far, the patient and the hospital have not been able to determine whether the corona virus is positive or negative. Of course, this is due to inadequate test equipment.

“The existing equipment at the hospital is still very limited, the hospital only provides an isolation room but cannot test whether the patient has a crown or not,” he said.

“In the Bukittinggi area, I receive reports that 8 patients suspect the crown, but the measures taken are only acts of isolation, a situation like this is certainly not favorable,” added Mulyadi.

Consequently, the member of the House of Representatives Commission III Mulyadi underlined that the central government acts quickly to act. He insisted that the tools and medicines held by the central government to fight the corona virus be immediately distributed in various regions of Indonesia, especially west of Sumatra.

He also added that the distribution of tools and drugs treating corona to the puskesmas after the needs of the referral hospital have been met.

“A quick response in an emergency like this is something a president needs to do. It is better to think ahead than to act after many of them are infected. Distributing tools and medication should also touch the puskesmas once the needs of the hospital are met, “said Mulyadi.

“I hope the Avigan and Chloroquine drugs ordered by President Jokowi are really effective in curing people infected with the corona virus even if they do not meet WHO standards,” he said.

In addition, former deputy chairman of the House of Representatives Commission VII Mulyadi said that the central government should reflect on the attitude of the Turkish government towards the corona pandemic. He explained that the Turkish government has provided funds of around Rp. 257.7 billion to protect the public from the pandemic virus.

The funds are used to cover health insurance funds for all Turkish citizens until June, increase the salaries of retirees, reduce taxes on public and private transport by 1% and reimburse the debts of traders and entrepreneurs including business has been hindered by the crown for the next 3 months.

Not only that, the Turkish government also supplies disinfectants, alcohol, hand sanitizers and masks in large quantities. Spray disinfection services are also provided free of charge in public places such as schools, places of worship, restaurants, roads and parks.

For medical staff, salary increases and nutrient-rich foods are provided 3 times a day. Any payroll and distribution system for virus prevention equipment is door to door, that is, it will be delivered directly to the destination.

For seniors, equipment bags containing alcohol, masks, hand sanitizers and disinfectants are provided free of charge.

“Turkey is a positive example, the government is quick to take preventive measures and, in my opinion, to protect its citizens against the spread of the corona virus. As I said earlier, it is better to anticipate than act after many of them are infected, “said Mulyadi.

Finally, the leader of West Sumatra, Mulyadi, said that the public did not need to panic in the face of the corona virus pandemic. He urged the public to be disciplined by following the protocol to prevent the spread of the virus.

Without forgetting, he invited people to continue to pray that the corona virus pandemic could soon pass.

“People don’t need to panic, we can do prevention by limiting outdoor activities and keeping our bodies clean. Do not forget to continue to pray and trust Allah SWT, so that the plague of this infectious disease is fleeting. Only by the will and the power of the epidemic of the virus Allah SWT this contagious disease can pass “, he concluded. (M / *)

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