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Narendra Modi calls on migrants to stay behind despite reports of mass exodus


Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged migrants on Saturday not to return home due to growing concerns over the coronavirus, PTI reported. The call for prime ministers came when India confirmed 324 cases, and states have imposed a partial or complete foreclosure to limit the increase in coronavirus cases in the country.

I beg you to stay a few days in the city where you are, tweeted Modi in Hindi. We can all prevent this disease from spreading by doing this. By cluttering stations and bus stops, we are playing with our health. Please take care of your health and that of your families. Do not leave the house if it is not necessary.

Following the closing of stores and several establishments to avoid the risk of infection, an exodus began in Mumbai and Pune as tens of thousands of workers in the unorganized sector returned home, reported The Indian Express. Crowds gathered at the bus and train stations in the two cities of Maharashtra, and others attempted to cross rickshaws and taxis.

On Friday evening, Dr Jeetendra Jadhav, medical consultant to the Municipality of Brihanmumbai, said they had been informed of a huge crowd at the Lokmanya Tilak terminus in Sion. Railway police should have dispersed the crowd under the epidemic law, said Jadhav. It is not within our competence. But it seems that people are trying to go back to their country of origin because they fear that the trains and buses will be closed, and they want to leave before that happens.

The 2011 census showed that Mumbai which has districts such as the city of Mumbai, the suburbs of Mumbai and Thane has 46.44 lakh of interstate migrants and almost 43.44 lakh of them are from L ‘State. About 30% of them earn their living in the unorganized sector.

Mamata Banerjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal whipped on railways for not making sure people were checked on long distance trains. I’ve been saying it for a month, she explained to ABP Ananda. India is now entering the third stage [of the coronavirus outbreak], which is very dangerous. The next two weeks are extremely important. I asked the chief secretary to tell the railway authorities to immediately stop all long-distance trains.

The administration led by Banerjee called for the suspension of long-distance trains, and the chief minister alleged that some states were removing people after they failed to stop the spread of the virus, The telegraph reported. She also asked people who had already arrived in the state to stay at home for 14 days and go to the hospital if they had symptoms.

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