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Official announcement from the Ministry of Health: these are the symptoms and prevention of the Corona virus



Official announcement from the Ministry of Health: these are the symptoms and prevention of the Corona virus
Illustration of a mask on the corona virus. © Shutterstock / photomak – The Corona virus is currently a scary specter. Several countries around the world have been affected by the deadly virus, including Indonesia.

According to President Joko Widodo, two Indonesian citizens were positively corona. Both had contacts with Japanese citizens who came to Indonesia.

"The Japanese who visited Indonesia have been found and found. It turns out that those affected by the corona virus are related to two people, a mother of 64 years and her daughter of 31 years", said Jokowi at Jakarta, Monday (2/3).

The following summarizes from various sources regarding symptoms and prevention of corona virus from various sources:

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Type of Corona virus

The coronavirus novel (2019-nCoV) is a new virus that causes respiratory illness. The virus, which has become well known, was first discovered in China. The coronavirus novel is one of the viruses that cause SARS and MERS.

Launch from Medical news today, showing that the results of the study of doctors dividing the corona virus into 7 types. Different types of corona virus vary depending on the severity of the disease, some of which are:

  • 229E (alpha coronavirus)
  • NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
  • OC43 (beta-coronavirus)
  • HKU1 (beta-coronavirus)

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Symptoms of Corona virus

Many people initially underestimate a few small signs on the body. This therefore requires a precise medical examination.

The public need not worry too much, the Ministry of Health has revealed that the Indonesian government is ready to deal with the pandemic of corona virus or Covid-19. Preparation in accordance with the standards of the World Health Agency or WHO.

Launch of the symptoms of the new coronavirus from the official website of the Ministry of Health (2019-nCoV),

1. fever

The body is warmer than normal temperatures. The symptoms of the corona virus are not necessarily experienced by everyone, so always be aware of all bodily conditions.

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2. Cough and colds

Cough and colds are one of the signs of the corona virus symptoms experienced by two Indonesian citizens who tested positive for COVID-19. Although he first felt that his body was fine, after being found by the Ministry of Health, accompanied by an examination, the results can be proven.

3. Respiratory disorders

The next symptom of the corona virus is respiratory distress that has never been felt before. There is also the possibility, the patient does not have a fever but suddenly there is respiratory pain.

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4. Sore throat

The next symptom of the corona virus is characterized by pain in the throat like a dry cough. The thirst and coughing that occur begin to be felt by those affected.


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5. Easily tired and lethargic

When the corona virus tries to enter the body, the immune system responds by attacking a foreign virus.

Damage occurs in the body during COVID-19, known as sepsis syndrome caused by complex immune reactions. One of the symptoms of the corona virus, people get tired easily and are lethargic.

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Prevents Corona virus

Launch from Ministry of Health regarding important issues that should be used as a form of prevention of the corona virus or COVID-19.

  1. Wash your hands often with soap. Besides adding WHO, it can also be sterilized with alcohol-based water.
  2. Wear a mask when you have a cold, cough and runny nose. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze, then throw it away and wash your hands immediately.
  3. Eat a balanced diet, increasing vegetables and fruits. Make sure that all raw materials for consumption have been thoroughly washed.
  4. Pay attention to contact with animals. Wash hands immediately after contact with an animal.
  5. Regular exercise and sufficient rest. Talk about the weather on your body so you don't get tired and stay in shape.
  6. Avoid the consumption of uncooked meat, if you want to eat meat, it must be well cooked.
  7. If you suffer from cough, runny nose and shortness of breath, go immediately to a health facility.

These are some of the symptoms and prevention of corona virus that you can watch with your family and colleagues. Hopefully always maintained health, to avoid all kinds of viruses. (Kur)

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