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Communist Party Members Share Letter Calling for Xi Jinping’s Dismissal


Communist Party leaders have reportedly started circulating a letter calling for an emergency Politburo to remedy the poor performance of dictator Xi Jinping at the head of the country, Radio Free Asia (RFA) revealed Monday.

The author of the letter, who does not identify himself, urges three senior Communist Party officials, Prime Minister Li Keqiang, the chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Wang Yang, and Vice President Wang Qishan to call a special Politburo meeting to discuss “Xi’s problems”. ” A copy of the letter underlined by Asia Times notes that Xi’s inability to contain the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic adds renewed urgency to a discussion of his heightened tensions with the United States, failing to manage basic government operations such as functional schools and hospitals, and pouring money into “backward nations” in Africa.

“In view of the current serious situation of the new coronavirus epidemic, the national economy and the serious situation of international relations, we urge the urgent convening of an enlarged meeting of the Politburo to discuss the problems of Xi Jinping” , indicates the letter.

The letter poses several questions to the Politburo, including:

China’s international relations … have they improved or worsened since Xi Jinping came to power? Is making enemies on all sides and damaging American relations good or bad for the development of China? Whatever the current situation in the country, is it true that large spending in backward countries in places like Africa is appropriate for China’s development and international relations?

According to RFA, Hong Kong journalist Chen Ping republished the letter on the Chinese media WeChat, calling it “moderate and national” and insisting that he had no information about who wrote it.

“Many others have republished this anonymous letter online,” said Chen.

RFA and Asia Times both linked the letter to growing Communist Party discontent over the disappearance of Ren Zhiqiang, a real estate mogul and formerly one of the wealthiest and most affluent people powerful from China. Ren disappeared last week after publishing an article titled “People’s lives are ruined by the virus and a seriously ill system” in which he insulted Xi as a clown without naming him and described him using the well-known story of the emperor who has no clothes, but all are too afraid to tell him.

The secret propaganda surrounding the decisions made during the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic will only deceive those who are ready to be deceived, wrote Ren.

The letter was the latest in many of Ren’s criticisms of the Communist Party, which was able to do so because of its prominent position in the Chinese economy.

Asia Times noted that Ren had attended the same high school as Vice President Wang Qishan, the anonymous letter named necessary for the emergency meeting on Xi’s removal, and the two are likely friends. Some experts believe that Wang and Ren agree on Xi’s incompetence.

Xi Jinping retrograde Wang, who led the country’s anti-corruption movement, purged Communist Party agents of disloyalty to Xi, but allegedly allowed him to work late last year to silence the widespread protests against communism in Hong Kong.

Ren’s letter shared a contemptuous tone with that written by prominent dissident Xu Zhiyong, arrested for “inciting state subversion” this month following his text. Xu asked Xi to resign in a letter calling the dictator stupid and blaming him for the extent of the destruction caused by the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic.

“You are not Putin or Modi, and you are certainly not Trump,” Xu wrote of the leader of the Communist Party. “You flirt with the fanaticism of the cultural revolution, but you are not a loyal leftist; you are rushing to bellicose nationalism, but you are not a hawk either. You are a big nothing. “

Xi Jinping has faced repeated waves of protests in China for years due to his regime’s inability to maintain quality government services. Plans to build polluting incinerators in densely populated areas, factories that violate workers’ human rights, and a national scandal in which several vaccine developers have diluted their products leaving more than a million immunocompromised children have all sparked anti-Xi public sentiment.

Among the most recent waves of protests have occurred in Hubei Province, where Wuhan is the regional capital, due to plans to build a hazardous waste incineration plant in a densely populated area, possibly causing problems respiratory for local residents. The Communist Party had promised local residents that it would build a public park on the plot of land on which it began secretly building the waste incineration plant. Images posted online of the demonstrations and police activities that followed showed elderly protesters beaten and bloodied by Chinese police. The protests are said to have attracted up to 10,000 people.

Xi’s regime is currently claiming that the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic has largely subsided in the country, particularly in the central city of Wuhan, where he is from. However, reports continue to surface of people suffering from coronavirus symptoms in Wuhan and the greater Hubei province, but facing hospitals that refuse to test them to confirm them as coronavirus cases. The Chinese Communist Party stopped counting confirmed cases of coronaviruses deemed “mild” in its national coronavirus count in February, significantly deflating the actual number of cases.

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