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Jokowi Denies Tourist Incentives Increase Risk of Corona Spread


The government paid an incentive worth 4.7 trillion rupees to boost tourism which was sluggish due to the spread of the corona virus. President Joko Widodo denied that the incentives increased the risk of the spread of co-19 in the country.

"It's different," said Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday (2/3).

He explained that the incentive was given to keep economic conditions good, even if the corona virus was epidemic. The incentive is aimed at increasing the visit to a country that should not be the epicenter of the disease.

The same was transmitted by the Minister for Economic Affairs Coordination, Airlangga Hartarto. The incentive is given to tourists whose countries have a low risk of spreading the corona virus. "We already have a protocol for this," said Airlangga.

(Read: Jokowi declares 2 Indonesian citizens positive for Corona virus)

In addition, the incentives are actually intended to encourage domestic tourists to travel. Government also encourages departments / agencies to travel Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Exhibition or MICE to various tourist destinations.

"So it's about supporting the tourism industry," said Airlangga.

Previously, the government had said it would pay tax incentives worth 4.7 trillion rupees to save tourism threatened by the corona virus. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said that incentives worth 298.5 billion rupees, among others, have been granted to encourage foreign tourists to visit the national territory.

"It is to attract foreign tourists to the country," said Sri Mulyani.

(Read: Minister of Health: 2 Indonesian positive Corona viruses isolated at Sulianti Saroso hospital)

Details of these incentives can be found in the database below. To encourage domestic tourists, the government also offers incentives to airlines in the amount of Rp 443.39 billion. The installation is given in the form of a 30% discount for 25% of seats by air on ten tourist destinations, including Lake Toba, Yogyakarta, Malang, Manado, Bali, Mandalika, Labuan Bajo, Bangka Belitung, Batam and Bintan.

The government will not collect taxes on hotels and restaurants in the 10 tourist destinations for six months. Instead, the government will compensate local governments in the form of grants. "We estimate that Rp. 3.3 trillion of this local tax will be paid by us so that the region does not collect taxes on hotel restaurants," said Sri Mulyani.

(Read: Sale of Corona Imbas tickets, Jakarta-Yogyakarta from 300,000 rupees)

The government will also divert the special allocation of physical tourism funds from Rp 147 billion into the state budget as grants to the regions. Local government can thus stimulate local tourism.

In addition, PT Pertamina will offer incentives for aviation fuel in the amount of Rp 265.6 billion for three months. PT Angkasa Pura I and II will provide a reduction of $ 256 billion over three months to the 10 tourist destinations for passenger services of aircraft or PJP2U.

Journalist: Dimas Jarot Bayu

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