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How to watch, live stream Donald Trump’s Tuesday rally in North Carolina


Kicking off the fall campaign season, President Donald Trump will travel to Winston-Salem to hold a rally on Tuesday evening. This is his third visit to North Carolina in the past three weeks and his sixth this year.

Trump is expected to deliver remarks from Smith Reynolds Regional Airport at 7 p.m.

Participants can register for up to two tickets per mobile number on a first come, first served basis through the campaign website. The doors are scheduled to open at 4 p.m. The rally will also be streamed live on Right Side Broadcasting Network’s Youtube channel at this link.

Trump’s narrow victory in Battlefield State four years ago was instrumental in his victory in the 2016 election.

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Last week, the president visited Wilmington, North Carolina on Wednesday where he designated the port city as a World War II heritage city. The previous week, Trump made two more stops in the state at the Republican National Convention in Charlotte on Aug. 24, followed by a visit to a mills river production company near Asheville.

President Donald Trump addresses supporters during a campaign rally at Arnold Palmer Regional Airport September 3, 2020 in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Trump’s next campaign rally is scheduled for Tuesday in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Jeff Swensen / Stringer

The national branch of the Democratic Party criticized the event in person, saying it would pose health concerns due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“Just as he is spreading false information about fake coronavirus treatments and ignoring our public health experts, holding an in-person rally is a dangerous breach of Donald Trump’s responsibility to protect public health,” Austin Cook, director of North Carolina Democratic Party communications said in a statement.

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“Instead of offering leadership or help to the North Carolinians, he’s trying to spin his incompetence with another photo op. Voters in Tar Heel State don’t want a president who denies science and jeopardizes our security in a desperate attempt to help his own campaign; they want a president who will approach this crisis with the clarity and seriousness demanded at the moment, and that’s Joe Biden, ”Cook added.

The Republican chairman of the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners, where Winston-Salem is located, said he believes Trump should follow Governor Roy Cooper’s tenure statewide and wear a mask during the campaign rally.

“It was ordered by the governor,” Dave Plyler told the Winston-Salem Journal on Monday. “When in Rome, do like the Romans. When you’re in North Carolina, do as the governor says.”

The campaign website currently requires participants to “acknowledge that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present” and waive all risks associated with the virus upon registration. .

The latest Five Thirty Eight polls show Democratic candidate Joe Biden ahead of Trump by 1.7 percentage points. Biden has not visited North Carolina since before the February 29 pandemic.

Trump is also expected to stop in Jupiter, Florida later this week.

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