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Tsipras wants Greek unity over ongoing Turkish provocations


March 25, 2020

SYRIZA leader, Alexis Tsipras. (Photo by Eurokiniossi / Stelios Missinas)

ATHENS Independence Day of March 25 should be used for the Greeks to unite against the new Turkish aggression, just as they did when they obtained the liberation from the Ottoman occupation in 1821, said Alexis Tsipras, the leader of the radical left opposition SYRIZA.

Greek men and women will stand united in defense of our national rights and international law, said Tsipras, describing the War of Independence in 1821 as a source of inspiration in the struggles for freedom and justice, in his declaration marking the day.

He avoids criticizing his rival and the man who ousted him in the early elections of July 7, 2019, the Prime Minister and leader of the New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who had sent riot police and units of the army at the land border soon after Turkey opened its camp and sent thousands of migrants there and urged them to cross.

He called on the European Union to impose sanctions, although bloc leaders are reluctant to take on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for fear that he will send more refugees and migrants across Greece, including the islands.

Turkey is drilling for oil and gas off Cyprus and Erdogan said he would do the same off Crete as part of a maritime agreement with Libya dividing the seas between them, denounced by Mitsotakis who wants an international alliance against provocations but has not obtained the support of NATO, the defense alliance to which the two countries belong.

Turkey must realize that if there is no respect there can be no dialogue, he said, although he did not aggressively confront Erdogan during the 4 years of power of SYRIZA.

Tsipras also called for measures to minimize the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic on public health and social cohesion without noting that SYRIZA did not strengthen the health care sector when it made its decision.

The government must wage a battle in Europe (in support) of bold decisions against neoliberal revenues, said Tsipras while warning against a return to the unjust policies which led to the recent and painful economic crisis.

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