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US Christian Leaders Criticize Trump’s Deadline for Easter Coronavirus | US news


American Christian leaders have criticized the deadline for Donald Trumps’ Easter coronavirus, when he wants to see much of the country reopen and churches full. It has been described as the height of hypocrisy.

As coronavirus cases and deaths in the United States continue to soar, the president said on Tuesday that he wanted to reopen large parts of the country before Easter Sunday April 12, when there would be churches crowded across our country.

Her comments came despite warnings from White House task force members Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, the latter claiming she was deeply concerned about New York City and its surrounding areas.

On Wednesday, the number of confirmed cases in the United States rose to 54,453 and 737 deaths, according to The figures Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

It is the height of hypocrisy for Trump to suggest that Easter is the time to challenge public health recommendations and reopen America, said pastor and activist Reverend William J Barber II.

Jesus defied oppression and cared for the poor, while Trump ignored the poverty pandemic and tragically rejected information about the coronavirus. We need a resurrection of Jesuss’ concern for the most vulnerable, not a capitulation to corporate greed that could cost millions of lives.

Reverend Al Sharpton said that if Trump is going to use biblical language, the President must know the whole story of Easter.

You cannot go to Easter Sunday without going through the crucifixion on Friday. A crucifixion precedes the resurrection, Mr. President, and we haven’t even climbed Mount Calvary until the crucifixion, we just have the cross on our backs, he told MSNBCs. Morning joe.

Sharpton said New York, currently locked out, with more than 30,000 cases across the state, would undergo a veritable crucifixion at the height of the pandemic, which would then tour the United States before we could get to the resurrection Sunday.

He added: A premature resurrection will lead to a disaster and we must understand this, face it head-on.

Reverend Laura Everett, pastor and executive director of the Massachusetts Council of Churches, spoke of his anger at Trump.

Always furious that Trump co-opted Easter for capitalism, she tweeted.

Will his Christian disciples follow him in this way? You do not remember how Lent begins, when the devil takes Jesus to the heights of the city and shows him all the sparkling things if you only adore me?

Christianity Today posted a review editorial following comments from Trumps in which he warned that even with good hygiene and physical distance, gathering during a pandemic march our witness.

He said: Rather than looking brave and faithful, we seem foolish and even stupid, much like snake managers who insisted on playing with poison as proof of true faith.

In the Catholic Church, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles tweeted Tuesday evening, after the president’s announcement, that all of his churches would remain closed until April 19 at least a week after the deadline suggested by Trumps.

In a new update guidelines, he encouraged priests to continue celebrating Mass without a congregation and to broadcast live instead.

The Archdiocese of New York, which includes St Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan, has said it will celebrate Holy Week and Easter Sunday via live broadcast or broadcast.

Bishop Michael Curry, who delivered the sermon at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, recommended the suspension of public services in person in the Episcopal Church, including during Holy Week, and encouraged people to worship online.

The President’s Easter deadline runs counter to the predictions of experts and politicians like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has said that fighting the virus will take several months.

I hope we can do it by Easter, Trump said during the White House briefing on Tuesday. I think it would be good for our country.

When asked if it was realistic, he replied: was going to watch it. Well only do it if it’s good and maybe we do sections of the country, we do large sections of the country.

He said he chose Easter because I just thought it was a great time, a beautiful timeline, it’s a great day.

He told Fox News: Youll packed churches all over our country. I think it will be a great time.

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