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Keir Starmer set to cash in on Boris Johnson disaster as Tories face extinction | UK | News


The UK entered a recession after a 20.4% contraction between April and June. The UK’s slump is also one of the biggest among advanced economies, according to preliminary estimates. Chancellor Rishi Sunak warned last month that the recession would represent a difficult time for the country. Despite this, the Chancellor has shown no intention of further extending the leave program, with the deadline currently set for the end of October. As of early August, up to 4.5 million people in Britain remained on leave, according to the Resolution Foundation. A total of 9.6 million people have benefited from the program since its launch in March, across 1.2 million businesses, at a cost of £ 34 billion to the Treasury so far. Making the decision not to extend would be disastrous, according to Richard Murphy of Tax Research UK, who said Labor could capitalize on the impending disaster. He told “How does a government lose a 26 point lead in six months?

“Is this trend going to stop? There is a hard core of Conservative voters, there always have been, but swing voters are swinging heavily against the Conservative Party because they know they are in danger.

“And they do not believe that this government is protecting their health, and soon they will believe that it is not protecting their jobs or their homes, and at that point, the Conservatives are in big trouble.

Since Mr Murphy’s comments, a survey of YouGov Westminster’s voting intentions in late August saw the Tories gain seven points with 43% of the vote.

However, with the end of the leave program, he believes the Tories could give Labor the upper hand.

Mr. Murphy added: “The day the unemployed realize that their children are affected by this, the government will fear that these people will start to protest.

“They will say ‘you could have kept us at work and at home, but you didn’t because you prioritized the national debt.’

“These people could then vote for Labor, at all levels, it threatens the survival of the Conservative government.

“If they don’t extend the leave program, it will be catastrophic, both politically for the Conservatives and economically for the country.

“If he [Rishi Sunak] He goes back, and he points out, to “healthy finance” – by which he intends to give priority to the debt, he will be the death knell of this Conservative government. “

On Keir Starmer, Mr Murphy argued that the Labor leader must be prepared to capitalize if the government’s economic policies fail.

He added, “Have we seen the real Starmer yet? No. But he has to be ready to overdrive when the government collapses.”

The PM has come under pressure in recent weeks as former British leaders condemn his efforts to rewrite the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement.

READ MORE: Rishi Sunak urged to correct ‘ineffective’ inheritance tax policy

The government has also come under fire for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, as delays in testing jeopardize the UK’s fight against the crisis.

On Wednesday at PMQ, Deputy Labor leader Angela Rayner said the prime minister had “over and over again” made promises of testing, but “then broke those promises.”

Mr Johnson defended the government’s record, saying the UK had “carried out more tests than any other European country”.

He said he was trying to meet a “colossal spike” in demand at “record speed,” adding that 89 percent of in-person tests returned the next day.

While the Tories appear to retain much of their support – a concurrent recession, a health crisis and a Brexit row will put pressure on Mr Johnson.

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