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Erdogan hopes for a ceasefire in Idlib during the Putin talks | Voice of america



Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday that he hoped to reach a ceasefire agreement for the Syrian province of Idlib during talks this week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The two leaders are scheduled to meet in Moscow on Thursday.

Turkey and Russia are supporting rival parties in the Syrian conflict, which has become increasingly violent in Idlib and has sent one million people fleeing the region.

Erdogan said in Ankara on Monday at a rally of his ruling party that a ceasefire agreement with Russia could "prevent further bloodshed".

Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday that Russia and Turkey are keeping the lines of communication open as they focus on negotiations.

The Turkish Defense Ministry said on Sunday that it was "successfully" continuing its military operation in north-western Syria against Syrian forces backed by Russia, the Turkish government will " no desire or intention to collide with Russia. "

Death of migrants

In another development, a Syrian boy died on Monday when a boat capsized off the Greek island of Lesbos, the first death reported since Turkey opened its border last week to allow migrants to enter Europe.

FILE – Migrants wishing to enter Greece from the Turkish border crossing at Pazarkule shout slogans when they are gathered at the border in Kastanies, Greece, on March 2, 2020.

More than 10,000 migrants have reached Turkey's land borders with EU countries, Greece and Bulgaria, since Erdogan announced that he was opening the border with Turkey. The Turkish president made the move after Turkey lost 33 soldiers in a single air strike last week in Syria. He said Europe must share the burden of Syrian refugees.

Erdogan warned on Monday that "millions" of migrants will soon be heading to Europe. His comment drew criticism from European leaders.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel called Turkey's decision "unacceptable" and said that Ankara should not withdraw its dissatisfaction with the EU "on the backs of refugees". European Commissioner for Migration Margaritis Schinas said: "No one can blackmail or intimidate the EU."

People check the damage on a street following an air strike by Syrian government forces in the town of Ma & # 39; arrat Misrin, in the northwest of the province of Idlib, in Syria, February 25, 2020.

War crimes?

Meanwhile, United Nations investigators released their latest report on the war in Syria on Monday, stating that Russia and Turkey could be responsible for war crimes for their actions.

The United Nations Commission of Inquiry into Syria said that Russian forces had carried out deadly air strikes on a busy market in Ma'at al-Nu & # 39; man in July and on a civilian complex in southern Idlib in August.

He also cited detentions, assassinations and beatings of predominantly Kurdish residents in the Afrin region of northern Syria, and blamed rebels of the Syrian national army supported by Turkey.

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