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FATF invoices | The express stand


The good news that emerged from the work of parliament two days ago is that the country has succeeded in concluding the necessary legislation to get rid of the FATF gray list, with three bills having been adopted by a joint session of the two chambers. . But the bad news is that it came amid a fierce protest from opposition members against those in the Treasury, showing that the two sides are not on the same page on a question of central concern for the country. While Prime Minister Imran Khan praised his party members and allies for passing “historic legislation”, opposition leader Shehbaz Sharif and PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari criticized the government for having imposed “black laws” in the country by trampling parliamentarians. democratic rules and standards.

Addressing the House after the bills were passed, the PM alleged that opposition parties tried to create obstacles to the passage of the bills that are vital for the country to overcome the unrest current economies. He said their “attitude” in the parliamentary session and the negotiations on the bills earlier proved that “their interests were opposed to the interests of Pakistan”. Opposition leaders, however, insist that the amendments they were looking for in the bills were aimed at improving them for the benefit of the people. They claim that under the newly approved anti-money laundering laws, even petty crimes can now lead to arrest without court approval; and an accused could be sentenced to a double risk of being prosecuted under both the anti-money laundering law and the NAB ordinance.

It is also interesting to note how the government obtained the approval of the three bills despite the lack of a majority in the joint sitting of Parliament. Against 227 members of the National Assembly and senators belonging to the opposition, the government benefited from the support of 217 deputies, that is to say, they were to end up with 10 votes less. However, the first of three bills – followed by two more – passed with 200 members voting for and 190 voting against. Well, a moment of déjà vu for the opposition who had experienced something similar during the vote of no confidence against the President of the Senate in September 2019.

Posted in The Express Tribune on September 18, 2020.

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