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Donald Trump Jr. meets supporters and protesters during visit to Stanley | Elections


Just before 5 p.m., a plane emerged from the sky over Smiley Creek Airport. The tense crowd below cheered, some waved their arms and murmurs were exchanged.

It must be him, right?

You don’t usually see a plane like this at Smiley Creek Airport.

A handful of people arrived and the crowd collectively sighed. None of the passengers was, in fact, the president’s son.

About 80 people gathered at the small airport north of Ketchum on Tuesday afternoon to greet Donald Trump Jr., who, along with his partner Kimberly Guilfoyle, was due to land on the runway before taking the helicopter for a fundraising dinner. private fund of $ 2,800 per head. to Stanley. The airport stop was for local Republicans who were unable to attend the dinner, Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin told the Idaho Mountain Express.

By 4:30 p.m., a crowd had gathered in the brown grass, some waving Trump 2020 flags in the air, all eyes on the sky. Some had traveled from as far as Twin Falls, a three-hour drive, while others were heading north from the Wood River Valley. (The stop was originally scheduled to take place at Friedman Memorial Airport in Hailey, an organizer said, but was moved to the more remote location of Smiley Creek due to concerns about potential protesters.)

Bob Hoskins and his wife Julie traveled to Smiley Creek from Hailey, Hoskins said, to let [Trump Jr.] know that not all of Blaine County is a Liberal group.

John Johnson, also of Hailey, wore a mask of the president, Donald Trump Sr. In a nutshell, for me, his borders, his language and his culture, Johnson said of his support for the current president. We need a common language and culture, otherwise our nation cannot survive.

Another small plane circled overhead and a song arose: Four years older! Four more years!

Eight more years! someone shouted, and the crowd laughed before echoing the call. The plane landed, the passengers got out and their necks were strained. Keep an eye on Kimberlys legs, one woman joked. Do you see high heels?

The legs that came down the stairs of the planes weren’t Guilfoyles or Trumps, and the crowd relaxed again.

Ten kilometers away, a small group of protesters had gathered near the home of Michael Boren, a Trump donor from Boise, where they believed the fundraising dinner would take place.

Stanley’s Maggie Staas stood on top of her car with a sign that said Jesus was turning all the tables in this house. Shed organized the protest at 10 p.m. the day before, she said.

When she heard that Trump Jr. was going to visit his town of 60 people, Staas said, her first reaction was to cry. Then she decided to do something about it.

We don’t have $ 2,800 per plate, Staas told Mountain Express. But at least we have our First Amendment.

She emailed other Stanleyites who had participated in a local Black Lives Matter walk earlier this summer, expecting a handful of people to show up. By 4:45 p.m., about 20 people had lined National Route 75 outside the house, holding handmade signs in front of each passing car.

It can’t be easy for [Trump Jr.]Staas said, stopping to lift his sign. There should be some setback.

Dayna Deuter, also from Stanley, said she viewed the protest as one of the few opportunities in deep red Idaho to have our voices heard.

It’s a little exciting to show up and let them know that they can’t go anywhere without hearing from us, Deuter said.

It’s really disappointing when something like this happens in your neighborhood, added Karen Keiski, a Smiley Creek resident who wore a blue hat with Make America Gracious Again printed on it. It has done us no favor or good to be in this atmosphere of division, indignation and anguish.

Sally McCollum, who drove an hour to watch the Ketchum protest, said she was impressed with the turnout, especially given the remote location.

Even in the middle of nowhere, weren’t going to let him relax, McCollum said.

At 6:15 p.m., nearly an hour after Trump Jr.’s scheduled arrival, there was still no sign of the president’s eldest son. A few people headed to their cars for snacks and drinks; others took their places on the rocks nearby. The guest of honor was late, organizers warned, and there was a chance his helicopter could not stop. More people.

Machele Hamilton, GOP vice president of Idaho, had come from Nampa for Trump Jr.’s visit Looking at the crowd gathered at the airport, Hamilton said she couldn’t imagine the same turnout for salute the relative of any other presidential candidate in recent history.

The excitement this family creates is incredible, said Hamilton. There is something about Trump that just turns people on.

In November, Hamilton said she was very, very optimistic Idaho will go to Trump rather than former Vice President Joe Biden, who visited the Wood River Valley for his own fundraiser of $ 2,800 per base in August 2019 (the maximum individual contribution that a person can campaign per electoral cycle is $ 2,800.)

I think it could be a total landslide, Hamilton said.

The Trump campaign in Idaho, of which McGeachin is a member, had been trying for months to bring Trump Jr. to the state, the lieutenant governor told The Express.

We have been waiting for this opportunity with open arms, McGeachin said.

(Earlier today, McGeachin was absent from a meeting of the Idahos Coronavirus Financial Advisory Committee, where she was due to vote on Gov. Brad Littles’ plan to devote $ 99 million in federal funding to the CARES law that Idaho received at schools in Idaho, Idaho. Ed News reported. McGeachin said in a subsequent Facebook post that fundraising in Stanley was not the reason she had missed the meeting.)

Representative Mike Moyle, R-Star, who is the majority leader of the Idaho House of Representatives, was also at the airport.

If you had told me four years ago that this man would do whatever he has for our country, I would have told you you were wrong, Moyle told the assembled crowd, referring to President Trump. For that, I ask your forgiveness. This man is sent by God.

Just before 7 p.m., the flashing lights of a helicopter descended from the hazy smoke-filled sky, and a joy rose from below. Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle walked towards the crowd, arms outstretched in waves. Lee Greenwoods God Bless the USA has played for a close speaker.

The couple had not been told, Trump Jr. told the crowd, that they were supposed to make a stop at the airport.

But they said a lot of people were here and I said, we have to stop and say hello to the people who matter, Trump Jr. said It’s you. You guys, why were you doing this. Real Americans explain why they are doing this.

In five minutes of remarks, the president’s son addressed a range of campaign talking points, from the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs to endless wars in the Middle East to the mental acuity of his father’s adversary. .

If I was with the Biden campaign right now, I would say it’s beautiful here in Alaska, said Trump Jr.

He leaned over to talk to a few children and offered a group photo. A suit clad Secret Service agent and a handful of Blaine County MPs hovered just outside. Don Jr. 2024! someone shouted, more than once. A woman asked to say a prayer for her fathers’ campaign, and the crowd formed a circle around Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle. All together, they bowed their heads.

And then, just like that, the helicopter came back into the sky.

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