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Imran Khan admits Balochistan lacks facilities and funds to fight coronavirus pandemic


Prime Minister Imran Khan recently admitted that Balochistan lacked basic facilities at the Taftan border and did not have enough funds to support pilgrims and traders arriving from Iran in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Pakistan has so far reported 1,331 cases of COVID-19, the majority of which in Sindh State, which has reported 440 cases. The most affected province was followed by Punjab with 419 cases and Kyber Pakhtunkhwa with 180 cases reported.

Imran Khan, in a recent report, revealed that the conditions at Taftan’s “sterile” border were “horrible”. Speaking of the Baluch government, he said that he did not have adequate provisions to assist travelers arriving from Iran. The Pakistani chief added that he could not call it mismanagement because there was no leadership per se in Baluchistan.

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According to reports, the Pakistani Ministry of Internal and Tribal Affairs has announced the cancellation of Friday prayers in the state. Following the orders, people were ordered to perform prayers from their homes.

The mosques have not been closed; however, only five people are now allowed inside, including the prayer leader.

32,332 infected in Iran

This occurs when its neighbor, Iran, has reported 32,332 cases and 2,378 deaths to date during the coronavirus pandemic. Following the recent increase in the number of infected cases worldwide, the Islamic Republic of Iran banned long distance travel on March 26 to limit the spread.

“Those who were considering traveling cancel it right now,” said Hossein Zolfaghari, a senior official on the Iranian anti-coronavirus committee. “Those who are traveling should go home quickly,” he added in a TV ad while announcing details of the new measures.

The deadly coronavirus has now hit more than 199 countries, with the United States reporting the maximum number of cases. The deadly virus has so far claimed 26,889 lives and infected 5.86, 455 of which 1,32,428 have recovered.

(Image credits: AP)

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