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Daily Mail sister newspaper mocked for blaming the EU for Boris Johnson contracting a coronavirus | Latest Brexit News and Updates


PUBLISHED: 11:25 AM March 29, 2020 | UPDATE: 11:57 March 29, 2020

Boris Johnson at the last PMQ in the House of Commons with Priti Patel, Matt Hancock and Michael Gove Photography: Parliament TV.

Boris Johnson at the last PMQ in the House of Commons with Priti Patel, Matt Hancock and Michael Gove Photography: Parliament TV.


the Daily MailThe European Union’s twin newspaper blamed the EU for the fact that Boris Johnson contracted the coronavirus, sparking social ridicule for his bizarre claims.

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The Mail on Sunday reports whether Michel Barnier infected Boris Johnson with the coronavirus. Photography: Twitter. The Mail on Sunday reports whether Michel Barnier infected Boris Johnson with the coronavirus. Photography: Twitter.

the Mail on Sunday devoted two pages to wondering if it was the European negotiator Michel Barnier who brought the virus to Downing Street, in a report that is starting could it be the ultimate revenge of Brexit ?.

Barnier had not visited Johnson or Downing Street during the epidemic, so the newspaper accuses a Brexit meeting between Barnier and David Frost – the chief negotiator of British governments – earlier in the month for having passed it between officials .

Although the two-page article still focuses on EU responsibility, the final paragraphs seem more logical.

The newspaper acknowledges that other officials could be Prince Charles and junior Minister of Health Nadine Dorries, both of whom contracted COVID-19 and were in contact with the Prime Minister.

Attempts to blame Barnier come just weeks after pro-Brexit newspapers celebrated the fact he and his team are expected to travel to London to discuss Brexit.

A majority of social media users were not at all impressed with the report in their responses, with hundreds having Mail on Sundays initial tweet.

Will Jennings wrote: It’s irresponsible, pathetic and deeply depressing.

Has this newspaper infected the UK? asked Frdric Moreau.

MORE: Boris Johnson Mocking Coronavirus Advice, Scientists Say

Ah yes. It was the EU, with their funny accent, in the library, with the chandelier, replied Fergal Lenehan.

British nationalists accuse the EU of infecting the Prime Minister, said Eoin Kelleher. Can we all quarantine the UK, medically and politically?

In a way, it is comforting to see that even at times like this, some British tabloids can still be used to broadcast titles like this, tweeted Helene von Bismarck.

Whatever happens, it’s always the EU’s fault, said Peter R Neumann.

Remind me, who boasted, two weeks ago, of shaking hands with coronavirus patients? asked Twitter user @Berlaymonster.

IS TONTY BLAIR BEHIND THIS? joked Reece Hayes, reigniting an old political meme.

Is there an equivalent of the Betteridges law for titles ending with a question and to which OH F ** K OFF can answer? asked Stuart Houghton.

The sound you hear is at the bottom of the barrel, noted Samantha Duff.

Earlier this month, Boris Johnson was criticized for claiming that he was shaking everyone’s hand in a hospital where cases of coronavirus have been reported, while over the weekend, scientists said the Prime Minister flouted government advice on coronaviruses before falling ill.

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The New European is proud of its journalism and we hope you are also proud of it. We believe our voice is important – both to represent the pro-EU perspective and to help rebalance the far right extremes of much of the British national press. If you appreciate what we do, you can help us by contributing to the cost of our journalism.

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