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Corona virus enters RI, outlets are invaded by buyers


Corona virus has spread to Indonesia. President Joko Widodo confirmed this and said that two Indonesian citizens were positively exposed to the virus. As a result, a number of people appeared to be panicking and bought basic goods from modern retail stores.

A phenomenon of public spending occurs in modern Transmart Carefour outlets. The vice president of corporate communications, Transmart Carrefour Satria Hamid, confirmed that there had been an increase in visits and public purchasing transactions today in a number of outlets in Jakarta.

As for the panic of purchase, it appears in the region of DKI Jakarta including Central Park in West Jakarta, Mall of Indonesia, Pluit North Jakarta and Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta.

(Read: Indonesia Positive Corona)

Some types of goods that are widely purchased by buyers include the grocery store, soap and mask. "Indeed, given the graph after 12:00 WIB, traffic continues to increase at Transmart Carefour in all of Indonesia or around 132 of our stores," said Satria., Monday (2/3).

Despite a very significant increase in purchases, his office is ensuring that there is so far no price increase. It is also certain that the whole stock of requirements will still be sufficient, so that the public is encouraged to make purchases wisely.

"The stock is still sufficient even if a subsequent stock shortage will be added soon to avoid the scarcity of goods. We also invite the public to buy goods wisely," he said.

Panic buying

The president of the Indonesian Association of Retail Entrepreneurs (Aprindo) Roy N. Mandey called on the Indonesians not to do so panic purchase due to the phobia of corona outbreaks in Indonesia.

According to him, members of modern retailers are always ready to assist and meet the food and non-food needs of people all over Indonesia. "Because this excessive action in fact creates a new panic when all the needs of the community can be really met," Roy said in an official statement on Monday (2/3).

(Read: Two positive Indonesian Corona citizens, the Ministry of Transport will not limit public transport)

He added that some of the most important things include how people maintain their own health and their families, not quickly affected by the fake news spread by certain elements.

Roy also requested that retailers of Apridno members continue to respond to the needs of the community and to take steps or policies deemed necessary to ensure that the needs of the community are well served.

Earlier, Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto said that two Indonesian citizens infected with the corona virus were domiciled in Depok, in west Java. The two are a mother of 64 and a daughter of 31.

According to Terawan, both contracted the corona virus after contact with a 41-year-old Japanese citizen. The foreigner (WNA) tested positive for the corona virus in Malaysia.

(Read: Corona virus epidemic does not worsen the price of goods in Tokopedia)

Two Indonesian and Japanese citizens who have contracted the corona virus are close friends. After meeting the stranger, the two coughed, a runny nose and shortness of breath.

The Ministry of Health also tested the health of the two Indonesian citizens here (1/3). Test results indicate that both have contracted the corona virus.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also asked the public not to panic about this. Consequently, the government has made various preparations to anticipate and deal with the case.

At present, there are already more than 100 hospitals which have good standards isolation rooms. The equipment belonging to Indonesia is already of international standard. In addition, Indonesia already has enough reagents to detect the corona virus.

There is already a joint team of TNI, Polri and civil who are dealing specifically with the problem. The government also applies international standards in handling these cases.

"We also have a budget and have been prioritized. Because if it doesn't matter, it's very dangerous because we have to be aware of this disease," said Jokowi.

Journalist: Tri Kurnia Yunianto

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