At first, Donald Trumps claimed that the almost superhuman intelligence dismayed the educated and impressed the ignorant.
At the time, he was saying things like, My IQ is one of the highest. It was nothing specific; and he left all the important details to the imagination of the brains.
Unfortunately, POTUS 'demands for knowledge and expertise have become more and more specific and, in the past month, it has moved to three new superlativity positions. He is now the head of the order of nations, the new national hero of India and the best epidemiologist in the world. While these statements may have rolled your eyes and laughed, his last two self-tuned titles should cause fear, not only among all Americans, but for everyone in the world.
It all started with Trumps' statement that he is one of America's most intelligent people, a stable genius. Then it was, No one knows more about this type of technology than I do thousands of people rushing to the border and drones flying overhead.
We certainly cannot ignore his military genius. He reminded us, more than once, that no one is taller and better in the military than I am. (It's pretty amazing that his bone spurs don't get in the way.)
And when it comes to the fight against terrorism, it is far ahead of its own internal security: I know more about IS than I do about generals.
The participation outweighs the American expert on practically everything, leaves his supporters in absolute fear in my case, with an acute case of vomiting of projectiles.
And the list goes on: I'm Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters, he claims his expertise in tweets, and he made it clear that on all subjects, disciplines and subjects, he had absolute authority. After all, it could have prevented 9-11 from happening because it was so hard with immigration. And, in the area of fiscal common sense: I am the king of the banks. Dude, do I know a lot about the bank. Construction is what I know; no one knows better. And, in the widest context, Trump has proclaimed: No one knows the system better than I do. Only I can fix it.
Trump recently awarded the Medal of Freedom to his stupid boyfriend, Rush Limbaugh, who proclaimed years ago that he was the only person an American needed to listen to in order to get all the answers. As president of the mafia, he too proved that the rich and powerful do not have to pay the same price as the blacks in the neighborhood. He beat a gang of charges for illegal possession and distribution of prescription drugs, only paying a $ 30,000 fine and avoiding mandatory conviction guidelines. His obvious Limbaugh deserved the medal of freedom. After all, he has never been incarcerated.
Limbaugh's latest lie to the American public is his claim that the coronavirus is no worse than the common cold and that China has armed the disease to bring down the presidency of Trumps. Rush said the Chinese government created the virus in a laboratory, specifically to injure the United States. Considering that most of the coronavirus victims in the world were Chinese and that China was actively working to contain its spread, gain traction in second year students with congenital brain damage. His Freedom Medal is just an official welcome to the Trump Liars Club.
Most recently, Trump has claimed that he is the most senior law enforcement official in the country, reminiscent of a burlesque episode of the Keystone Cops and Laurel and Hardy, all summed up in one episode.
Unfortunately, when a president controls the judiciary, this claim is not that far-fetched. His illegal, unconstitutional and betrayal actions to blur the divisions between branches of government have indeed given him weight on the Senate, legislators and the courts. When you see where he has gone, his coronation ceremony will not be a surprise.
But Trumps' latest statement says the coronavirus is not a real threat, and that it will likely disappear should scare the hearts of all Americans. In another movement to consolidate power, it now requires the approval of administrations for all public health announcements. This has never been done before. The CDC and its public health epidemiologists have always been allowed to make their own public announcements without any government censorship.
Global markets have found Trumps' control of information to be so disturbing that markets have fallen like a stone. And, true to form, he entrusted one of his yes-men with the task of using this very real threat to public health as a campaign accessory.
Listen, my friends. This is not a joke. It is not the common cold and we have no way of knowing how quickly the disease will spread. This is about our lives, the lives of our children, and may well have a lasting impact on the health of our world. For those who understand the exponential spread of highly contagious pathogens, the 65 or more cases in our own country could easily turn into a thousand tomorrow, five million next month and, in a world of billions of people, this could kill hundreds of millions before taking its course.
Poor POTUS. He's like a little toddler who thinks that when he plays cuckoo, things disappear. Science? What is it?
Send a message to Trump: it is not about him, nor about a conspiracy concocted by the Deep State. It is a global crisis, not something that is going away because he wants to deny its existence.
And, those of you who are still alive in November, please give the boot to Trump.
Michael S. Robinson is a former deputy public information officer of the Vietnamese military. He resides in Riverton with his wife, Carol, and a mongrel dog.