Trump takes on Dems during Tuesday night rally
Insulting his Democratic rivals was the backbone of the Trumps rally, which took place on the eve of the Super Tuesday elections, in which 14 states, including North Carolina, will vote. The president went to bed on Biden, calling him one of his favorite insults, Sleepy Joe, and saying that the former vice president would be put in a house if he won the election, leaving radical left-wing workers to run his administration. He also made fun of Biden for speaking badly during events of the previous campaign, including accidentally calling the collection of primaries from Thursday Super Thursday.
The president claimed, without evidence, that the Democratic primaries were rigged against Crazy Bernie referring to Bernie Sanders and he also spent time mocking Elizabeth Warren for his past claims on the Native American heritage.
Dropping the campaign, Trump also took advantage of the rally to celebrate a new peace agreement between the United States and the Taliban, which created a framework for withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan. US and Taliban negotiators on Saturday sign the deal, which calls on US forces to leave the country completely in 14 months if the Taliban comply with their terms of the deal.
The President has long advocated the withdrawal of conflicts from Afghanistan and the Middle East, and Trump's language of celebration reflects his campaign mantra, the first in America. He argued that the U.S. military should be kept at home rather than abroad and that it was not law enforcement for the world.
American troops cannot be the world's police or create democracy in other nations that probably don't want it, he told the crowd at Charlotte's Bojangles Coliseum. The job of the U.S. military is to secure and defend our country. We can finally start taking our incredible soldiers home. After years of rebuilding foreign nations, we are finally rebuilding our nation and taking care of our citizens.
Trump entered into the agreement in terms of his strong border platform, declaring that terrorism should be fought by keeping the borders secure.
We must keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country! he said.
The President also commended his administration for responding to the threat of an epidemic of spreading coronavirus. He defended the closure of US borders to foreign nationals from China and said his administration was working closely with pharmaceutical companies to manufacture preventive measures against the virus, without specifying what it might look like.
Trump also called the coronavirus a border security problem, saying that those who criticized his decision to close the borders of certain countries were marginal globalists who were more concerned with keeping the borders open than protecting the country from harm. ;infection.
The president's tone was triumphant, and he spoke confidently of the victory in North Carolina this year, as he did in 2016. Audiences matched his enthusiasm, frequently shouting support for the president by listing the actions of his administration.
We're kicking ass, let me tell you, said Trump.
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