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Kagama ready to help government overcome Corona outbreak


Kagama met with President Joko Widodo. (BP / Special)

JAKARTA, – The family of alumni of the University of Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) led by its president general, Ganjar Pranowo, had an audience with President Joko Widodo at the State Palace in Jakarta , Monday (2/3). The meeting with President Joko Widodo was special because in addition to being accompanied by President Joko Widodo the Central Council, Ganjar Pranowo also invited the heads of KAGAMA Pengda Province from all over Indonesia.

Minister of State Pratikno, UGM Chancellor Panut Mulyono, Secretary General of PP KAGAMA AAGN Ari Dwipayana and Waketum Anwar Sanusi were also present at the hearing. At the meeting, Ganjar expressed KAGAMA's concern regarding the CONVID-19 epidemic of infecting two Indonesian citizens.

To the president, Ganjar expressed his gratitude for the swift measures taken by the government to evacuate Indonesian citizens abroad. Both in Wuhan, World Dream, and finally on the Diamond Princess. "Earlier, we also let the president know that he intended to step up public education in order to ward off the Corona virus. Including an information center that can be a place where residents can ask questions and report on the Corona virus, "said Ganjar.

In addition, the Corona case is considered to have an impact on the economic sector. For this reason, KAGAMA said that the government would also focus on reviving the national economy.

This, said Ganjar, can be achieved through the allocation of APBN and APBD expenses which are immediately spent and its efficiency is ensured. "For example, by increasing the cash-for-work program to increase the purchasing power of people and promote tourism and MICE visits to the country," said alumni of the UGM Law School.

Ganjar said KAGAMA is committed to helping the government deal with the epidemic of Corona virus. This commitment is achieved by creating a virtual crisis center.

The program, among others, places more emphasis on public education in line with the leadership of WHO and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, for example the movement to wash their hands, healthy living, sports, etc. KAGAMA invites all elements of the nation to come together, hand in hand, to deal with such situations. KAGAMA also urges people to remain calm, not to panic, and not to be easily provoked into provocation to take actions that actually harm the common good. "I believe the government is serious, ready and capable of dealing with the epidemic of Corona virus. The condition is that we must together also help the government, "said Ganjar.

It is also preparing a medium-term program. KAGAMA will immediately draft a policy note on mitigating the economic impact of the Corona epidemic.

Not only in the health sector, Ganjar will invite all elements of KAGAMA to the regional government and the pengabab, to jointly contribute hand in hand to help the government cope with the impact of the epidemic of Corona. "For the guidance note, the goal for this week is to have a project. We are going to refine it in the form of an FGD involving the UGM and the largest KAGAMA forum, said the governor of Central Java.

In addition to conveying his commitment to assist the government in the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, during the audience with the president, Ganjar also made 13 strategic recommendations resulting from the XIII National KAGAMA Conference in Bali. , 15-16 November 2019 /.

In addition, Ganjar spoke of the management of PP KAGAMA which had been trained by 261 people. The details are 191 people as the KAGAMA central board, 61 people as the expert board and nine people as the KAGAMA advisory board. Some who enter management are government officials at the ministerial level, professionals and social workers.

In addition to submitting 13 strategic recommendations to the president, at the hearing, Ganjar also submitted books from Bulaksumur for Indonesia to President Joko Widodo. (Kmb / balipost)

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