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Trump vs Biden (not Sanders) is the real contrast that counts Super Tuesday (opinion)


Jimmy Carter's promise of honest and ethical government was therefore a counterweight to Richard Nixon and Watergate. Confident Californian conservative Ronald Reagan introduced himself as the anti-Carter. After the Bill Clinton scandals, George W. Bush said he would "restore honor and decency" to the White House. First-year senator Barack Obama has offered a radical departure from the dynastic presidency of George W. Bush. And, of course, Donald Trump was the polar opposite of Obama's "No Drama" – a man he had baselessly accused of not being born in the United States.

By this logic, it is easy to understand why some people see Bernie Sanders as the ultimate contrast to Donald Trump: a democratic socialist revolutionary of the 60s who denounces the millionaires and the billionaires. But get out of the class war paradigm and look at the contrasts of character and experience – qualities that usually determine who to hire for a big job.

Even his critics admit that Joe Biden is known for his decency and empathy among his longtime colleagues in the Senate. "A man as good as God has ever created", attested a watery-eyed senator Lindsay Graham in 2015, before becoming Trump. Here's what John McCain told me about him: "He is a good and decent man, God fearing and good, a devoted father and husband and a true patriot who puts our country before him."

Each line of McCain's tribute clearly contrasts with President Trump. Even his supporters would not offer "good and decent" and "devoted husband" as the main attributes of the president. In fact, according to an AP-NORC Center poll, some of the first words that Republicans associate with President Trump are "blunders" and "jerks."

And at a time when the key criteria for important government positions, like that of the director of national intelligence, seem to be unquestionable loyalty to Trump, a candidate who embodies experience with a record of putting the country above self-interest would be a huge relief for many Americans. .

With Sanders and Biden, the two candidates most likely to recruit delegates on Super Tuesday, we will get a glimpse of who is considered the strongest alternative to Trump.

Over the past 24 hours, we have seen the central lane of the Democratic field clear up considerably with Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, two proud moderates from the Midwest, bowing and endorsing Biden.

It would be a disaster for us to have to choose between Sanders and Trump

It was the downstream effect of Biden's erupting victory in South Carolina that relaunched his campaign as Lazarus.

After losses in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, Biden won all of South Carolina's counties. Each. Single. One. In the midst of a massive turnout, he got more than 260,000 votes – almost two and a half times more than Sanders, who came second with more than 105,000.

To put this in perspective, Biden won more votes in South Carolina than Sanders won in the first three states combined.

In fact, while Sanders leads among the delegates, Biden has actually won more votes in the Democratic contest to date.

Not only was South Carolina much more diverse than Iowa or New Hampshire, but it was also the most representative of the entire Democratic Party.

In terms of ideology, 19% of primary voters in SC described themselves as very liberal, 30% as somewhat liberal, 41% are moderate and 9% say they are conservative.

This is broadly in line with a 2019 Pew analysis of the Democratic Party by ideology. Biden's landslide was so large that it won over all ideological groups from all sides.
Sanders' Threat to Democrats in Texas

African Americans made up the majority of South Carolina's primary electorate, and Biden won 61% of black votes – in part thanks to the decisive approval of representative Jim Clyburn – while Sanders didn’t ; held only 17%.

But Biden has cleaned up almost all of the demographics – winning over men and women, veterans and independents as well as new voters. Biden won urban, suburban and rural voters. While Sanders was transporting voters under the age of 30, people who said they never attended church and white men who did not graduate from college (white women without a university degree opted for Biden).

Now the momentum may have returned to Biden – which conducted most of the polls throughout 2019 – but it only had 72 hours to translate that energy into Super Tuesday, when around a third of all the democratic delegates will be decided.

X factors abound. Super Tuesday will be the first time we see Mike Bloomberg on the ballot, testing the power of the hundreds of millions of dollars he has already spent as well as campaigning in states that the other candidates essentially ignored then that they were struggling to succeed in the first four states.

Bernie will benefit from his favorite status which will undoubtedly give him a boost at the start of the vote. But we will see if Biden's strong performance among African-Americans in South Carolina will increase his chances in the Southern States to vote on Super Tuesday, especially in Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia – where Biden recently received approval from Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, former Governor Terry McAuliffe and former Republican Senator John Warner.

As we review total Super votes on Tuesday later this week – including California and Texas – it's worth asking which candidate is most likely to wear purple and even red states to the market. 39; fall and not only in a polarized Democratic primary.

We have a lot of evidence from the Trump team that they want to run against Sanders – the president even encouraging Republicans to vote for Sanders in South Carolina.
On the other hand, we do know that President Trump was so nervous about running against Joe Biden – who is less sensitive to pre-fab "radical socialist" attacks – that the President pushed Ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden and his son Hunter for hurting the candidacy of the former vice president. This led to the removal of Trump. The GOP conversation between Hunter Biden and Burisma has been relatively calm in the weeks since Sanders won New Hampshire and Nevada. We will see if it reignites now in Republican circles. I bet it does.
Bernie Sanders could win absolutely everything in November

But back to this basic question of contrast in terms of character and experience.

For better or worse, Joe Biden is a known quantity – someone who won his Senate seat at age 29 in 1972, when Sanders was a Castro activist. It took nine years for Sanders to be elected the socialist mayor of Burlington. When Biden first ran for president in 1988, Donald Trump was building his brand as a New York real estate mogul, before his first bankruptcies and the reality TV celebrity who followed.

The 1988 campaign was famous by Richard Ben Cramer in a classic volume titled "What It Takes". The chapters on Biden show a middle-class child of Scranton with a stutter that was "hard on the neck". He was flawed but fearless and fought for what he thought was right. He faced a two-decade-old Democratic candidate in a race that no one thought he could win. Shortly after, he lost his first wife and unborn daughter in a car accident that seriously injured his sons. But he went through the pain and deepened his faith.

In the Senate, he was a JFK Democrat wary of extremes and elites who could drive middle-class and blue-collar workers away from a compassionate view of government that has helped everyone move forward in life. He believed that vested interests – to use Cramer's words, "had become so attached to their old" solutions "programs that they made it happen, instead of equality in education. They let food stamp fraud become the problem, instead of food for the hungry. "

When the 1988 campaign broke out, Cramer described a Joe Biden motivated by the belief that people did not want to return to the "fiction of an America that was fair and white, and perfectly authoritarian in its prejudices ( and) political … If Biden was right, what the country wanted was a more perfect realization of its ancient ideals: Freedom, Justice, Compassion. "

In the deeply polarized America of 2020, these old school ideals – just like the personal virtues of decency, empathy and experience – could provide the most compelling contrast to the Trump's presidency. It could attract a broad coalition – including swing voters in the swing states – and it could even help start the daunting task of reunifying the nation.

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