Trump lobes new beards at Dems and rallies GOP followers in North Carolina
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, President Donald Trump welcomed the roaring stock market back Monday, while throwing pointed beards at the Democratic presidential field which was thinning on the eve of the big round of Super Tuesday primaries.
Trump's mind was elevated after the Dow Jones industry average climbed nearly 1,300 points, or 5%, recovering from a seven-day rout in which it fell more than 3,500 points. Stocks rose Monday on hopes that central banks will take steps to protect the global economy from the effects of the coronavirus epidemic.
"Do you think our opponents were thrilled when they saw the stock market today?" asked Trump, who took credit from a bull market throughout his three years in power.
The president threw some of his hardest blows against former vice president Joe Biden, who just won a decisive victory in Saturday's primary in South Carolina. Trump chose Biden's propensity to stumble rhetorically over the stump, suggesting that it was a sign of senility.
"Honestly, I don't think he knows which office he's running for," said Trump. He speculated that if Biden wins the White House, "he will not run it. Other people will do it. They will put him in a house and other people will run the country and they will be some super-left radical madmen. "
Trump admitted that Vermont senator Bernie Sanders, who won or near the top in three of the first four nomination contests, "was a little enthusiastic, but much less than we were."
This is a crucial moment in the battle for the nomination: Biden argues that the moderates must consolidate behind him to stop Sanders, a Democratic socialist, and give the Democrats a chance to beat Trump in November.
Two moderates left the race: the former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar. Former New York Mayor Bloomberg, who skipped the first four contests, will appear on the ballot for the first time on Tuesday.
Trump assumed that there may be a "counterpart" to Buttigieg's offer of a job in the next Democratic administration for abandoning and approving Biden.
"Charge them. They should be charged," said Trump.
Trump has offered daily comments on the Democrat race, alternately boasting that no Democrat has a chance against him, ridiculing the highest level of candidates with derisory nicknames, and arguing that the establishment party tries to steal Sanders' nomination.
Sanders responded to Trump on CNN Monday evening, saying, "President Trump, stay out of the Democratic primary. Why aren't you doing your job for a change as president?"
Earlier Monday, Trump said he had no qualms about attending a rally in a large stadium despite the threat from the coronavirus.
"I think it is very safe," Trump said of the election rallies, adding that the Democratic candidates were organizing many rallies themselves.
The threat of the virus has not deterred Trump fans from attending Monday's rally in Charlotte, where people in the stands shared buckets of chicken fingers and dipped their hands in pop vats -corn shared pending the arrival of the President.
The coronavirus epidemic has killed more than 3,000 people worldwide and disrupted the lives of many around the world. In the United States, the number of infections has exceeded 100, with six deaths. Federal officials have not advised against large gatherings in the United States, leaving it to local officials to deal with.
North Carolina, a perpetual swing state, is one of 14 states, a territory and overseas voters who will vote on Tuesday, races that account for about a third of all delegates.
Trump's rally in Charlotte follows the pattern of his robust counterprogramming campaign throughout the Democratic nomination process. In recent weeks, the president has held rallies in each of the four advance vote states for the presidential nomination.
The president and the GOP are paying a lot of attention to North Carolina, which has been decided very closely during the last three cycles of the presidential election.
The Republicans chose Charlotte to host the National Republican Convention. Trump also visited Charlotte last month as part of a series of summits on revitalization and "opportunities now," the programs he and administration officials highlighted while he was trying to reduce the electoral advantage of Democrats in minority communities.
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