Imran fights against himself, national institutions: Durrani
Former Federal Minister and President of the National Kashmir Alliance (NKA) Muhammad Ali Durrani said that Prime Minister Imran Khan had addressed the country against the policies and measures of his own government, adding that the Prime Minister had waged a public campaign against the measures taken. to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the country.
Responding to the Prime Minister’s recent address to the nation on Tuesday, Durrani said it was ironic that instead of uniting the nation in this tragic situation, Imran Khan had not only created chaos and conflict, but also led a war against responsibility itself. conferred on him as prime minister. Durrani lamented that national institutions are fighting coronavirus but that the PM is fighting against them. He asked the provincial assemblies to adopt resolutions condemning the Prime Minister for ridiculing the provinces for their measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, adding that parliamentarians should immediately take note of his irresponsible attitude. He said that the provinces that were the unifying units and the national institutions were showing criminal negligence in remaining silent on these irresponsible actions of Imran Khan that could cause the death of millions of innocent lives.
Durrani wondered why the Prime Minister was adding fuel to the fire that had engulfed the nation after the coronavirus attack, adding that the Prime Minister actually made it clear to the masses that at a time when the whole nation was deeply panicked, the country was ruled by someone incapable of thinking and acting rationally. Durrani said that Imran Khan had ridiculed Pakistan in front of the whole world by wrongly quoting the apologies presented by Indian Prime Minister Modi. He said that the creation of Tiger Force showed that the PM was proverbially digging the well despite the fact that the house was consumed by the fire.
Meanwhile, Durrani expressed his deep sadness at the passing of Mir Javedur Rahman, the older brother of Mir Shakilur Rahman. In his condolences to the grieving mother and Mir Shakilur Rahman, Muhammad Ali Durrani said that Mir Javedur Rahman was the leader of the country’s largest media group that has guided Muslims in India and Pakistan for over 81 years on the ideological foundations of Muslims, intellectual progress and social affairs. He said that Mir Javedur Rahman and his family had the honor of being the head of a media group that had never bowed before the powers to renounce freedom of expression and the public interest . He said the services of Mir Javedur Rahman, his illustrious father Mir Khalilur Rahman and the rest of his family would always be a part of the country’s history. He said the death of Mir Javedur Rahman was more tragic because it occurred at a time when his brother Mir Shakilur Rahman was in prison fighting for media freedom against oppressive leaders. He prayed to the Almighty to bless the deceased soul with eternal peace and to give courage to the bereaved family to endure the loss.
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