President Donald Trump approves federal disaster designation for Ohio
WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Donald Trump Tuesday approved a request Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the Congress of States delegation to declare a major disaster in Ohio. This designation allows the state to receive federal emergency funds to combat the spread of the coronavirus and address its aftermath.
The White House said the designation would make federal funds available to state government, eligible local governments, and certain private non-profit organizations for emergency protection measures. The director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Pete Gaynor, has appointed James K. Joseph as coordinator of federal recovery operations in the state.
Trump has already approved disaster designations for dozens of other states. DeWine officially applied for disaster designation several days ago.
The economic impacts of this incident will be felt for years, wrote DeWine. Currently, however, the unemployment rate is high due to business closings, high rates of lost income due to tourism, food services, sporting goods and entertainment. The indefinite closure of businesses is difficult for owners and employees to measure the real impacts.
US senators from Ohio released a joint statement applauding the swift approval of DeWines’ request.
This pandemic has created significant and unprecedented challenges and local governments lack the capacity to respond adequately to this major disaster, said statements by Republican Senator Rob Portman and Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown. Therefore, this additional federal assistance is necessary to complement response and recovery efforts.
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