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Labor MP Praises China for Coronavirus “Containment”



A Labor MP with a history of sympathy with the Chinese Communist regime praised the national “containment” of COVID-19 and the “unwavering leadership” of authoritarian President Xi Jinping.

Shaoquett Moselmane, senator in the New South Wales upper house, also said that China’s response to the coronavirus epidemic was “ emphatic ” and “ decisive ” in a long statement on his site Personal web under the title “ A Nation in Crisis Needs Leadership.

Nation Senator and former Labor leader Mark Latham called the comments “disgusting and indefensible”.

Moselmane, who gave a speech before the New South Wales Parliament in 2018 calling on China to make a statement, also said that China has shown “ firm and unwavering leadership ” trying to contain the virus.

Shaoquett Moselmane (photo) said China's response to the coronavirus epidemic was

Shaoquett Moselmane (photo) said China’s response to the coronavirus epidemic was “adamant” and “decisive”

Moselmane praised Chinese President Xi Jinping for the way he handled the epidemic, despite the fact that the nation is criticized worldwide for being secretive in the early stages of the disease.

Moselmane praised Chinese President Xi Jinping for the way he handled the epidemic, despite the fact that the nation is criticized worldwide for being secretive in the early stages of the disease.

The phenomenal combined effort of the state and people in the struggle to contain the virus was breathtaking.

The Labor senator has made nine private trips to China since entering parliament in 2009, with transportation and hospitality expenses usually paid by officials or government agencies linked to the communist regime.

Its political staff member, John Zhang, even attended a propaganda training course organized by Beijing.

On his website, under the banner of the Labor Party, Moselmane says that President Xi has “stepped up and provided leadership.”

“ He gathered the resources of the nation and, with the great Chinese people, fought and contained it, ” rejoices Mr. Moselmane of the management of the pandemic by China, which would come from a seafood market in Wuhan, Hubei.

“Failure to contain the epidemic could make thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of lives would be lost. The phenomenal combined effort of the state and people in the struggle to contain the virus was breathtaking.

Moselmane then claims that the “disastrous” impact of the pandemic in Europe was due to the fact that these nations were “slow to learn from Chinese, Japanese or South Korean experiences”.


Shaoquett Moselmane (above) has made nine trips to mainland China since being elected to the NSW Parliament

However, he fails to respond to widespread criticism of China’s management of the coronavirus epidemic, including silencing and punishing the doctors who first spoke of the new virus.

Beijing also denied that it could spread from person to person and delayed locking out the affected areas, which means the first opportunities to control the spread have been lost. The Communist Party has begun to censor public information about it and to spread disinformation abroad – suggesting, among other things, that American troops may have been the first porters.

There have been 81,518 cases of COVID-19 in China, with at least 3,305 deaths – although it is widely claimed both in China and by other countries that they vastly underreport the number of cases.

Moselmane also warned that Australia would soon become the next epicenter if its leader did not take “tough and appropriate” action.

He criticized Australia’s response to the crisis, in particular “the slow, and sometimes confusing and confusing messages from the federal Morrison government”.

He also highlighted cases of Australians raping mass rallies in New South Wales as an indicator of “the government’s inability to enforce it to enforce its weak and meaningless ban on social distancing” .

Nation senator and former Labor leader Mark Latham criticized Moselmane’s position.

“In person, Shaoquett Moselmane is not a bad guy but as far as China is concerned, he lives in a complete and absolute fantasy world,” he told Alan Jones on 2 GB on Wednesday.

“The evidence would show that China, in relation to this coronavirus, acted like a rogue state.

“He acts and talks about China in a way that actually defies reality, it’s disgusting to realize that in this global health emergency, there is a politician in Australia who defends the indefensible.”

Daily Mail Australia contacted Mr. Moselmane’s office for comments.

Wuhan residents, once locked up in homes at the height of the crisis, are seen queuing to enter a Walmart store on March 31, 2020, as the lockout is partially lifted

Wuhan residents, once locked up in homes at the height of the crisis, are seen queuing to enter a Walmart store on March 31, 2020, as the lockout is partially lifted

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