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Imran calls the Rangers following the “failure” of the Sindh supply lines



(MENAFN – Gulf Times) Prime Minister Imran Khan ordered the Sindh Rangers to ensure that the supply of goods from Sindh is maintained after it was found that the provincial government had not is working on a transport agreement “ in the true spirit.
Federal Spokesperson Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan said at a press conference after a cabinet meeting yesterday that the Prime Minister had expressed dissatisfaction “ with strong words about the fact that, despite the decision of the National Coordinating Committee for the four provinces as well as Gilgit-Baltistan and AJK (Azad Jammu and Kashmir) to keep the transport lines for essential products open, the government of Sindh has not implemented the instruction.
She said that all export and import activities take place via the shipping port of Sindh and that due to administrative measures and transport blockage, exporters face challenges.
“The supply goes to Gilgit-Baltistan. In the absence of shippers or those packing goods or a lack of facilities, the supply chain faces a delay.
“The Rangers will ensure that all barriers to the transportation of goods are removed and that the transportation of goods is safe and secure,” said Awan.
Khan’s information advisor also said the Prime Minister was informed at the cabinet meeting that patients with coronavirus were being treated as “untouchables”.
Awan said it was a “criminal act” and that the Prime Minister expressed great disapproval.
“Law enforcement or hospital security officials have been strictly asked to mistreat them, to treat them well, not to treat them like criminals, and not to quarantine them,” a she said.
The counselor stated that admission to a quarantine facility should be done with respect, with the approval of the patients and the consent of their families, and that all governments were urged to comply strictly.
Planning Minister Asad Umar spoke on the same subject yesterday at a press conference, saying that the mistreatment discourages people from showing up for testing.
Police and other law enforcement agencies have been reported to have located anyone with a history of international travel.
Some have been forced into quarantine, regardless of whether or not the coronavirus has been confirmed, reports say.
Pakistan has seen a steady increase in coronavirus cases in the past week despite a national lockout.
The Prime Minister’s special assistant to health yesterday, Dr. Zafar Mirza confirmed 1,865 cases and 25 deaths from Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.
The country has 15,709 additional suspected cases, of which more than 8,000 are currently under quarantine, said the Minister of Health.
Fearing an exponential increase in the number of infections, politicians and experts have called on the government to speed up testing.
In response, Planning Minister Umar promised that the country would be able to test 900,000 people a day by April 15.
We learned yesterday that truckers continue to experience problems on highways.
Freight transport activities have decreased by 80%, as hostels and workshops on highways remain suspended during the lockout, according to one report.
Carriers and retailers are complaining about various problems stemming from the health care crisis, lack of basic highway facilities at rising transportation prices, as well as a labor shortage.
Prime Minister Khan has repeatedly stressed that extreme measures taken by provincial governments will affect the supply chain and that adequate measures should have been taken before the foreclosure to ensure that this does not happen.
Karachi Goods Carrier (KGC) President Rana Mohamed Aslam said that although the federal government has exempted the transportation of goods from the lockdown, the necessary basic facilities on highways were not available.
“Drivers complain about not having food and workshops on the highways,” he said.
If the government wants a regular supply of food, it will have to make sure that the necessary facilities are available along the highways, he added.
Commodity prices between districts and between provinces have decreased by more than 30%.
“Rates have dropped to Rs100,000 from Rs130,000 to Rs140,000 in other provinces in Karachi,” he said. “To encourage carriers, the government should provide all facilities on highways for drivers.
He also complained that police deployed near Port Qasim and other ports of entry harassed the carriers and demanded bribes.
“Port-to-port transportation in Karachi suffers from police harassment, which delays deliveries,” said Aslam.
He urged the authorities to order officials from the various departments not to harass the carriers.
The president of the KGC also pointed out that the lockout had resulted in a shortage of workers, which in turn affected the availability and cost of transportation.
Freight carriers are allowed to transport food products, including sugar and pulses, but other non-food related goods, including textiles, were not allowed.
“If the transport of goods runs smoothly, no food security problems will arise,” said Aslam. “Now the transport from Punjab is for export. Lots of retail material was coming in before, which is not allowed at this time.
On the other hand, city retailers said local transport and pickup drivers had increased the price in the city by about 50%.
Due to the shortage of workers, there was also insufficient transport and the drivers increased the fare to Rs 1,600 each way.
Earlier, the rate was Rs1,000 to Rs 1,200 each way from the city, said a trader.


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