Coronavirus Shows Magnitude of Task to Repair China's Faulty Healthcare
Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, China had to face a monumental task to upgrade its health system.
Now the magnitude of this challenge has been brought to light after the virus has revealed an overdependence on big hospitals in big cities and gaps in the way the state responds in the emergency room, even with a mechanism put in place after the SARS epidemic in 2003.
The significant economic benefits of COVID-19 are expected to spark renewed interest in repairing the health care system, just as SARS did 17 years ago.
China already has an ambitious goal to build a world class system this decade.
This would result in wider economic dividends. The average Chinese household saves about 45% of their income, partly to cover expenses such as medical bills. A better social safety net with better health care would help free up more consumption as families cut back on their precautionary savings.
China plans a 16 trillion yuan (2.3 trillion US dollar) health care industry by 2030. A plan established in 2016 called Healthy China 2030 has promised to improve readiness and responding to public health emergencies to match those of developed countries.
It also set goals, including increasing average life expectancy to 79 in 2030, lowering infant and maternal mortality rates, and having at least three doctors and 4.7 nurses per 1,000 inhabitants.
However, this still seems a distant goal. Beijing resident Stella Duan visits the city's major hospitals frequently and whenever she knows what to expect: hours spent in crowded halls and crowded waiting rooms with dozens of other anxious patients.
When I visited a gynecologist at the Beijing Shijitan Hospital in September (last year), I waited two hours to see a doctor, said Duan, 27. , who was lucky to have an appointment. There were three to five ticket offices open and queues of 10 or more people each.
Such an environment, reproduced in major hospitals in China, helps the spread of diseases like COVID-19, first identified in Wuhan last December before triggering a global health emergency.
When the coronavirus combined with a governance failure that allowed it to spread virtually uncontrolled for more than a month, it set off what Chinese President Xi Jinping () now calls the epidemic the more difficult since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came to power 70 years ago.
He urged the nation to strengthen areas of weakness and fill the gaps revealed by the current epidemic.
For a while, we thought SARS was a watershed for the health system, said Huang Yanzhong (), who heads the Center for Global Health Studies at Seton Hall University in New Jersey and is a senior researcher in global health at Council on Foreign Relations. . This brought about a big change. Then this coronavirus showed us that the emergency response system was not working as expected.
Running the existing system is one thing, but China also needs an upgrade requiring more investment in a weak primary care system made up of local clinics and small community hospitals.
So far, this effort has failed to gain momentum, despite hundreds of billions of yuan of investment in primary care facilities between 2009 and 2018.
A main reason is the dominance of large hospitals in the Chinese health system, which allows them to attract the best doctors and specialists in the country, leaving small hospitals and clinics underused.
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