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Watch President Donald Trump Charlotte "Keep America Great" rally



CHARLOTTE, N.C. President Donald Trump held an election rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, Monday night. He was raising his supporters on the eve of the big round of Super Tuesday primaries.

President Donald Trump has welcomed the return of the stock markets and has drawn strong criticism against the Democratic presidential field which was clarified during a rally Monday in North Carolina.

He was in a good mood after the Dow Jones industry average climbed nearly 1,300 points on Monday as stocks recovered from a seven-day rout.

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I'm delighted to be back in the big city of Charlotte, he said as the crowd cheered and waved for support.

He made fun of Joe Biden's verbal blunders, and although he noted the enthusiasm of supporters of Bernie Sanders, he insisted that it was much less than us .

Trump wasted no time turning to his Democratic opponents saying they were rigging the elections against Bernie Sanders, who led the race for delegates before Super Tuesday. He distinguished Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg, who both abandoned the race.

Buttigieg has since supported Joe Biden.

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It looks like they've made a deal, Trump said. They both supported Sleepy Joe. You know why? They made a deal. Misunderstanding,

Trump has been repeatedly interrupted with chants for four more years.

Supporters of the President started lining up outside the Colosseum in Bojangles early in the morning.

RELATED: Trump Supporters Camp In Front Of The Bojangles Coliseum Before Charlotte's Rally

During his rally in Charleston on Friday, which also took place on the eve of the state's primary presidential elections, Trump asked his Republican supporters to vote for the Democratic candidate “ who the hell is the easiest to beat ''. ; & # 39 ;.

This message came after the South Carolina GOP canceled that state's Republican primary, automatically making outgoing President Donald Trump the alleged winner. Under state law, South Carolina voters are allowed to vote in any primary, regardless of their registered party.

President Trump will not have this convenience in North Carolina, which has a semi-closed primary. In the state of Tar Heel, registered Democrats can only vote in the democratic race, and registered Republicans can only vote in the Republican race. The only exception is for unaffiliated voters, who can choose which ballot to receive.

Also at his rally on Friday, Trump shot these Democratic rivals, claiming they were politicizing the coronavirus epidemic. He defended his administration against critics that they were not doing enough against the disease that made headlines in the world.

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Although it is not immediately known what Trump would discuss on Monday, he had to discuss the evolution of the democratic race for the White House, which saw former mayor Pete Buttigieg, Senator Amy Klobuchar and billionaire Tom Steyer exit the race after the South Carolina primary.

This limited democratic candidates to former vice-president Joe Biden, former mayor Michael Bloomberg, representative Tulsi Gabbard, senator Bernie Sanders and senator Elizabeth Warren.

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In addition to talking about the primary, Trump also addressed growing concern over the spread of the coronavirus, Trump said his administration is taking steps to address the threat.

We are doing everything in our power to prevent sick and infected people from entering the country, he said.

The president is expected to make several return visits to North Carolina before the November elections, including in August when Charlotte is the site of the Republican Convention.

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Tuesday sees the largest number of delegates promised in a single day throughout the primary electoral cycle.

RELATED: Biden Wins SC. Steyer, Buttigieg, Klobuchar go out. What you need to know for the primary elections in North Carolina.

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