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Xi emphasizes green growth model


President Xi Jinping, also secretary general of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the Central Military Commission, learns of the enormous changes brought about by the advancement of green development in Yucun Village in Tianhuangping County, County of Anji, in east China’s Zhejiang province, March 30, 2020. Xi inspected Zhejiang County Anji on Monday. [Photo/Xinhua]

President says protecting the environment generates rich economic dividends

President Xi Jinping stressed the importance of protecting the environment during his inspection tour of eastern China on Monday in a village where he unveiled his theory of ecological civilization 15 years ago.

Xi, who is also secretary general of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited Yucun, a village in Anji county of Zhejiang province, and talked about protecting the environment.

Protecting the mountains and waters well will provide special benefits for the future development of the village, said Xi, adding that the economy should not develop at the expense of environmental destruction.

“The environment itself means the economy. If you protect the environment, you will receive environmental rewards,” he said.

Building a modern socialist country includes both modernizing urban and rural areas, said Xi.

After the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects is achieved, the government will encourage rural development in all respects and build more beautiful villages, said Xi.

The development of Yucun proves that green development is the right path, which should be continued in the future, said Xi.

In August 2005, Xi went to the village to congratulate the local government for stopping mining activities and closing the cement factories to deal with the serious pollution problem. During the visit, Xi presented his famous theory of development that “clear waters and lush mountains are precious assets”, which was later known as “the theory of two mountains”.

“You have just said that you have decided to close some mines, which is a wise decision. Lucid waters and lush mountains are priceless assets,” said Xi Xi, then secretary of the Party of Zhejiang Province, to the United States. local officials at a meeting. detained 15 years ago, according to a video released by China Central Television.

Yucun now stands out as a picturesque rural attraction visited by urban residents of places such as Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing.

Today, the village has 280 households and its residents earned a per capita income of 49,598 yuan ($ 7,040) in 2019.

“The two mountains theory has had a facelift and brought fascinating changes to the village, improving the residents’ incomes six times over,” Yucun former party secretary Pan Wenge told China Daily.

He added that the successful experience of Yucun, seeking rural revitalization through green development, has not only increased the incomes of villagers over the past 15 years, but has also helped to improve their social conscience.

The village has had no trials or criminal cases in the past 10 years, he said.

In 2019, the village recorded gross economic income of 280 million yuan, becoming a model for the overall construction of a wealthy society in rural Zhejiang.

“For our next step, we are working with neighboring villages to stimulate regional collaborative rural development,” said Wang Yucheng, chief of Yucun, who informed Xi of the village’s future plan during his inspection tour on Monday.

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