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Indian Railways Alert: PM Modi appoints Amit Shah as leader of six members to merge eight services from Group A


Indian railways alert: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has appointed a six-member committee to merge eight Group A services into the Indian railways. The six-member panel will be chaired by the Minister of the Interior, Amit Shah. After his appointment, the Modi government went even further after cabinet approval of the same thing in December 2019. According to the Modi government, the merger of eight Group A Indian rail services will end the departmentalism, will promote a harmonious work culture and accelerate decision-making.

The six-member committee for the merger of eight Group A rail services will be chaired by Amit Shah and the other five members of the group include Minister of Finance Nirmala Sitharaman, Union Minister of Transport Nitin Gadkari, Minister Piyush Goyal Trade and Railways, Civil Aviation and Minister of Urban Development Hardeep Puri and Minister of Navigation Mansukh Mandaviya.

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The panel will work out the methods for unifying services in consultation with the DoPT (Personnel and Training Department). The committee will put in place a mechanism to ensure equity for all service holders. After the merger, eight Group A Indian Railways departments will be called the Indian Railway Management Service. Currently, Indian railways are organized into departments such as traffic, civil, mechanical, electrical, signal and telecommunications, stores, staff and accounts. These services are vertically separated and are each headed by a secretary (member) of the Railway Commission.

The agents of group A of the Indian railways belong to the three services, which are recruited through the civil services of the Union civil service commissions, the accounts service of the Indian railways (IRAS), the Indian Rail Traffic Service (IRTS) and the Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS). . Those from technical services, although also recruited by UPSC, sit the Indian Engineering Services (IES) exam.

The eight Group A rail services to be merged are: Indian Railway Traffic Service, Indian Railways Accounts Service, Indian Railways Personnel Service, Indian Railway Service of Engineers, Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers, Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers, Indian Railway Service of Electrical. Engineering services and Indian railway stores.

With all departments having highly specialized roles and varying eligibility criteria, it remains to be seen how the government will effectively implement the merger.

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