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UW panel discusses causes of coronavirus · The Badger Herald


The Wisconsin China Initiative and the Center for East Asian Studies brought together a group of experts to discuss the ongoing coronavirus epidemic on Monday evening.

Opening the discussion, professor of biochemistry Robert Kirchdoerfer discussed the origin, biology and future treatment of the virus.

Different species of mammals use very similar sets of [cellular] machines, said Kirchdoerfer. So if there is a virus that can use the same machinery from these different species, that virus can go from one species to another.

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Kirchdoerfer said the coronavirus likely originated from bats but did not spread to humans until it had infected a second intermediate species. He said that scientists still don't know what the intermediate species of coronavirus are.

Kirchdoerfer said scientists are currently reorienting antivirals originally intended to treat HIV and RNA infections, but said he doesn't expect human trials to take place before April. Widespread production of the vaccine may not take place before the end of 2020.

Specialist in adult and pediatric infectious diseases, Dr. Joseph McBride saidThe coronavirus has spread so quickly because it could be in the sweet spot of the disease spectrum.

If an illness is too deadly, McBride said, it will kill its victims before it spreads, but if the illness does not have enough symptoms, it is not a threat.

McBride said that because the coronavirus has a 1.4% mortality rate and it has a vague spectrum of symptoms, the virus is in this right place.

Chinese media expert Zhongdang Pan, Professor Fuxian Yi of the University of Wisconsin and political science professor Edward Friedman discussed China's response to the coronavirus.

Pan said that until January 23, after quarantining Wuhan, the Chinese government not only ignored the threat of coronaviruses, but punished the scientists and doctors who raised the first alarm.

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Pan said it wasn't until the disease began to spread quickly out of control that the government began to deal with it. Even then, the government gave priority to controlling the media story, which described China as helping to save the world. In February, the Chinese government published a book on President Xi Jinping's efforts to fight the virus.

Yi said that China's political machine was the reason the nation had failed to contain the coronavirus. Yi said that because interest groups influence government policies and the government censors the media, Chinese leaders cannot distinguish truth from lies.

Friedman said he did not expect current political powers to respond well to the coronavirus.

I fear that we are heading towards economic decoupling, deglobalization and increasing chauvinism, "said Friedman. We can already see such forces in the history of this virus.

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