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Jokowi 1 year in the second period, economist: failure to select ministers


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Center of Reform on Economics (Core) research director Piter Abdullah gave three notes to President Joko Widodo or Jokowi approaching a year of his management at Advanced Indonesia. The first note, Piter felt that Jokowi had not chosen ministerial figures to be his assistants.

“From the start I thought that Jokowi had failed to place a strong and trustworthy figure to become a minister. As a result, the cabinet has become weak and unable to conduct strong synergy coordination, ”said Piter contacted by Tempo on Friday October 16, 2020.

Piter said the failure was evident in the performance of Jokowi’s ministers against them. pandemic Corona virus. He said the president’s aides were often not united, so the public viewed the Cabinet as incompetent to tackle the problem of the spread of the virus.

The second note, Piter said during his current administration, Jokowi appeared to carry a heavy burden to remove ministers deemed incompetent. This attitude, said the lecturer from the Perbanas Institute, is the opposite of Jokowi’s administration during his first term.

“From the end of the first period until now, Jokowi seems to be overwhelmed. The choice of the minister, so that the lack of courage to make the reshuffle implies that Jokowi bears the burden in making decisions, ”said Piter.

In addition, many events have weakened Jokowi’s position as head of state. For example, the attitude when making decisions regarding the amendment of the Law on the Corruption Eradication Commission.

Some time ago, Jokowi chose not to issue a government regulation instead of a law rescinding the KPK law despite pressure from everywhere. The politics, which are said to weaken the function of this anti-rasuah institution, have made the public disappointed with Jokowi.

Then, on the third note, Jokowi is seen as having failed to build a good communication process in producing the job creation law with the DPR. As a result, the goal the government had hoped for in ratifying the regulation undermined aspirations to increase economic growth and boost investment flows.

“I saw Pak Jokowi authentic wants to fulfill its promise of high economic growth. Unfortunately, the Copyright Act is notdeliver with good processes and good communication, ”he said.

However, Piter said it was not too fair to judge Jokowi’s performance based on a few economic indicators due to the pandemic. Covid-19. This is why the failure of the government program cannot automatically be used as a benchmark to assess Jokowi’s failure over the past year. “As we know, a pandemic is destroying the economy in almost every country,” he said.

Jokowi was inaugurated as President of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 2019-2024 on October 20, 2020. This is the second period in which he is elected Head of State.

In his speech to the MPR a year ago, Jokowi promised five achievements that would be launched until 2024. First, the development of superior human resources. Second, the development of infrastructure. Third, the simplification of regulations. Fourth, simplification of bureaucracy. Finally, fifth, the acceleration of economic transformation.

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