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Accused PM Imran hits back at Nawaz for ‘slandering’ military leadership – Pakistan


Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday criticized former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for allegedly slandering senior military leaders, saying the PML-N leader himself was launched into politics with the aid of the military establishment.

His remarks came during a heated address at a Tiger Force convention in Islamabad, in which he dismissed yesterday’s opposition power show in Gujranwala as a “circus”.

Commenting on Nawaz’s speech at the opposition rally, Prime Minister Imran said the PML-N leader was using inappropriate “language” against the military and ISI leaders at a time when soldiers Pakistanis constantly sacrificed their lives for the nation.

The Prime Minister, while describing the prevailing geopolitical scenario, said that the government of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi hated Pakistan and Muslims “more than any other Indian government in the history of the subcontinent”.

“There are constant attacks on our soldiers; they sacrifice their lives every day,” he said, noting that 20 security personnel were martyred in two attacks on Thursday.

“Why are they sacrificing their lives? For us, for the country. And this jackal (geedar) who ran with his tail between his legs used this language for the head of the army and the DG ISI,” he added. , referring to Nawaz.

While addressing the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) rally by video link from London, Nawaz on Friday accused the security establishment of being behind his ouster from the post of prime minister and of “bringing Imran Khan to power “.

He appointed the head of the army, General Qamar Javed Bajwa and the head of the ISI, Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed, alleging that they were responsible for creating a “state over state”. And the presence of “two governments” in the country, among others.

Recalling the origins of Nawaz’s political career, Prime Minister Imran said he first became a minister through the patronage of General (ret’d) Ghulam Jilani and reached the post of chief minister by “polishing the boots of the General Ziaul Haq “. He also accused the leader of the PML-N of having received “rupee crores from Mehran Bank to fight the elections against the PPP”, claiming that the head of the ISI at the time had submitted a report to this matter to the Supreme Court.

“It is unfortunate that the courts of our country have always helped him. It is the man who put [PPP co-chairperson Asif Ali] Zardari in prison twice. It was Zardari who brought the Hudaibiya Paper Mills case against him, not Gen [Qamar Javed] Bajwa. “

The prime minister cited several books written by Western authors which he said detailed the alleged corruption of Nawaz and Zardari during their first terms in power.

“These people can sell the country to save their stolen money,” he said, adding that the books he mentioned were “not written by General Bajwa”.

“What they did to their country is what Mir Jafar and Mir Sadiq did to their people. This attack is not targeting General Bajwa but the Pakistani army. This is the same thing Narendra was talking about. Modi, ”he said.

Imran said Modi repeatedly said he loved Nawaz but that “the Pakistani army chief is a terrorist”. “Why doesn’t he say the same about me? Because I showed his true extremist image to the world,” he added.

Before his speech took on a more serious tone, Prime Minister Imran showed a video clip, allegedly 11, in which he “predicted” the opposition rally to protect their alleged corruption and even posted an image combination of Nawaz before and after he left for London for medical treatment, suggesting the PML-N leader had improved by simply leaving the country.

Imran said he would not comment on speeches by PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz and PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, calling them “kids” high on “banned (banned) income “from their father.

“Different Imran Khan”

Prime Minister said Indian newspapers praised Nawaz for joining democracy, but wondered if they didn’t know that “Ziaul Haq gave him a lollipop and it was Nawaz Sharif who bought the system. judicial”.

“He is only with the judiciary as long as he is with it. When the judiciary closes the Hudaibiya Paper Mills case, he praises the judiciary, but shouts kyun nikala (why was I ousted ?) When he is convicted in the Panama Papers case. Has General Bajwa filed the Panama case? “

He took issue with the opposition’s claim of rigging in the 2018 election, saying fewer petitions were filed to challenge the vote count in the 2018 polls than in 2013.

The prime minister said the government had “documentary evidence” that the PML-N spent 2.5 billion rupees on public funds to win the by-election in the NA-120 constituency of Lahore, adding that the case had been forwarded to the National Accountability Office. .

“The opposition saw only one Imran Khan … The Imran Khan they see now will be different,” he said, adding that “no dacoit will receive an order for production of ‘any kind’.

Speaking to justice and the NAB, he said: “People are tired and waiting for justice to be done. I ask the Chief Justice, whatever logistical support you need from the government, we are ready to provide that, but for goodness sake. daily hearings to close these deals [involving opposition leaders]. “

Prime Minister Imran further said that members of the opposition “will no longer be held in VIP prisons” and will be sent to regular prisons.

He added that although the NAB and the judiciary are independent, he will “personally prepare” the institutions under him to catch anyone who looted money and took him abroad.

Addressing the courts again, the prime minister said Nawaz was trying to “create choas” within the judiciary and the military and “appealed to the Israel and Indian lobby in the United States.”

“I know the game he is playing; I have all the intelligence. It makes no difference to me who is the army chief or the DG ISI because I don’t steal money.”

He praised General Bajwa for supporting his government during “the difficult times”, saying the military had cut defense spending for two years and supported the government’s foreign policy throughout.

“Nawaz Sharif, from today I will do my best to bring you back to this country and we will keep you in a regular prison, not a VIP prison.”

PM asks Tiger Force to ‘not intervene personally’

While speaking to volunteers from the Corona Relief Tiger Force (CRTF), the Prime Minister sought to explain the reasons for double-digit inflation in the country.

He said Pakistan had a record trade deficit of Rs 40 billion when the PTI came to power. Due to the deficit, the rupee fell sharply against the dollar, which in turn made imports, such as food, more expensive.

In addition, he said, for two years the rain fell when the wheat was to be harvested. The country needed 2.7 million tonnes of wheat, but due to a deficit its price started to rise, the prime minister said.

“We found out late because the determination system was not functional. We have now imported to make up for the shortage. [But] the market didn’t know and hoarding started. It is a great curse in our country and I need you for it, ”he told the volunteers.

Read: Wheat, a saga of mismanagement

He ordered members of the Tiger Force “not to interfere personally” and to take only one photo and upload it along with the location where a product is stored on the government portal.

“It’s the administration’s job to act. You have to go to stores where the prices are not displayed and you have to take and send a photo. I repeat, you don’t have to interfere.” Imran said, adding that there was a risk that some people posed as members of the Tiger Force to hit money from traders.

The prime minister’s instructions come after opposition parties and traders opposed the government’s decision to deploy Tiger Force volunteers to check food prices to help it control inflation.

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