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Article 370: European parliamentarians support Prime Minister Modi's fight against cross-border terrorism


New Delhi: Many members of the European Parliament addressed a press meeting in Geneva on Monday to assess the state of Kashmir after the repeal of Article 370. They supported the efforts of the Prime Minister Indian Minister Narendra Modi to defeat cross-border terrorism.

Gianna Gancia, Member of the European Parliament, criticized Pakistan and stressed that Pakistan has tried perverse means to paint a picture of the Kashmir crisis on international platforms, but to its dismay due to India's use of humanitarian ideals failed Pakistan's evil intentions.

Nathan Gill, former member of the European Parliament and member of the famous British party Brexit, said: "By what right does Pakistan have the right to discuss India's internal affairs on international forums? Nobody makes noise and tears when France fights against radical terrorism, but creates so much panic and tension when India does something which is only and entirely an internal question of India "

Tehmeena Syed, women's rights activist in Kashmir, spoke as a true Kashmiri voice and said that "I come from a world known as paradise". She further added that this paradise had been destroyed by insurgencies and terrorist incidents, and "the repeal of Article 370 was undeniably necessary today to get rid of cross-border terrorism and Kashmir insurrections "

Brian Toll, European Commission expert in South Asia and Paulo Casaca, executive director of the South Democratic Democratic Forum, highlighted the fact that after decades of instability and ongoing terrorist incidents in the Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian government has repealed section 370 of the Indian Constitution. August 5, 2019 to bring peace and prosperity to the region.

Gilgit Baltistan Studies President Senge Sering supported India's bold decision to take action against factors that destabilize J&K and applauded India for removing this article from the constitution which encouraged Pakistan to spread its fangs throughout the region.

President of JKNAP, United Kingdom, Mohd. Sajjad Raja, added that Pakistan had invaded Kashmir on October 21, 1947 and since then it has been under its occupation and it is a pure fiction that India exploits the people of the valley. Pakistan has experienced and is creating unrest and the repeal of Section 370 is one of the best things that has happened in Kashmir since independence.

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