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[Cek Fakta] Viral Video MK officially canceled omnibus law after Jokowi Dice

[Cek Fakta] Viral Video MK officially canceled omnibus law after Jokowi Dice



Rumors were circulating that the Constitutional Court had thwarted the omnibus law on job creation. It is claimed that the Constitutional Court thwarted the Cptaker Law after President Joko Widodo was attacked by students.

Facebook account Comfort zone share news by uploading a video titled “FINALLY !! MK OFFICIALLY FAILED OMNIBUS LAW AFTER PRESIDENT JOKOWI WAS DISCUSSED BY STUDENTS” REVOLUTION “!!?” Thursday, October 22, 2020.

Until the screenshot is taken, the 14-minute 8 video upload receives 8.7 thousand responses, 1.1 thousand comments, and is shared 1.4 times.


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[Cek Fakta]    Viral Video MK officially rescinded the omnibus law after Jokowi was attacked by students?  Check the facts
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According to the results of the investigation, the claim that the Constitutional Court violated the omnibus law on job creation after President Joko Widodo was questioned by students is false. In fact, there is no such statement in the outstanding video.

The video and story first appeared on a Youtube account Jordan Lyon on Wednesday October 21, 2020, with the same title. In the video, there is no statement that the Constitutional Court thwarted the Ciptaker omnibus law.

[Cek Fakta]    Viral Video MK officially rescinded the omnibus law after Jokowi was attacked by students?  Check the facts

Reported by the news through the article entitled “MK accepts two laws to create work” published on October 14, 2020, MK spokesman Fajar Laksono said his party had faced a material lawsuit against the Copyright Act (Ciptaker) against the 1945 Constitution. petitioner has pursued a number of articles of the law on the ciptaker.

“There were two who filed a complaint on Monday (October 12, 2020),” said Fajar Laksono contacted in Jakarta on Tuesday, October 13, 2020.

The complaint was lodged by the Central Executive Council of the Singapore Federation of Trade Unions. The request was represented by the President of the Federation, Deni Sunarya and the Secretary General Muhammad Hafidz. The articles tested were articles 81 numbers 15, 19, 25, 28 and 44.

A lawsuit was also filed by a contract worker named Dewa Putu Reza. The articles tested by Dewa Putu Reza were article 59; Article 156, subsections (1), (2), (3); Article 79, paragraph (2) b; Article 78 paragraph (1) b. These articles relate to the removal of the deadline for the employment contract for a certain period, the minimum limit of severance pay and bonus, as well as a two-day weekly break for five working days.

Previously, many parties opposed the ratification of the Copyright Law. President Joko Widodo has called on all parties who have rejected the Ciptaker Law to go through a judicial review or material test at MK.

“So if there are still those who are not satisfied and refuse, please submit a judicial review to the Constitutional Court,” President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said at a press conference at a meeting limited (ratas) via Youtube, the Secretariat of the State Ministry (Setneg), Friday October 9, 2020.

The Head of State stressed that Indonesia still leaves room for parties who are not satisfied with the legislation produced. Hopefully this opportunity can be put to best use.

In the meantime, the DPR has not yet submitted a bill on the creation of work which has been forwarded to the president. After submission, the status will be assigned a number.

[Cek Fakta]    Viral Video MK officially rescinded the omnibus law after Jokowi was attacked by students?  Check the facts


The claim that the Constitutional Court struck down the omnibus job creation law after President Joko Widodo was questioned by students is false. In fact, there is no such statement in the outstanding video.

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[Cek Fakta]    Viral Video MK officially rescinded the omnibus law after Jokowi was attacked by students?  Check the facts


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[Cek Fakta]    Viral Video MK officially rescinded the omnibus law after Jokowi was attacked by students?  Check the facts


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