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Is it true that Jokowi said Friday prayer at the mosque?


-> – A citizen named Nabila Putri did hate speech or expressions of hatred towards President Joko Widodo and accusing the President of eliminating Friday prayers at the mosque.

He attached the edited photo of Jokowi and included a story that named the president as the Antichrist. The photo and status were uploaded via Facebook and briefly vIral.

Here is the narration:

This is the Antichrist of Indonesia only because of the corona virus, how is it that Friday prayers are eliminated. What kind of government are you, aka Pak Jokowi (Dajjal), the end of the world will come when the holy place of God has no occupants, no one will worship the mosque.

How is it that the alias Pak Jokowi (Dajjal) tells people not to pray on Friday? Since the time of Rasullah SAW, Friday prayer no longer existed. This is why Mr. Jokowi / Dajjal thinks first before acting * nji * ng.

You don’t have to be president, but your brain doesn’t think long. The Corona virus is actually an invisible creature which means to conspire with jinn or demons who undermine our Islam. What makes us neglect to worship Allah SWT.

So, faith is not strong, not physically strong, the virus will easily enter our body. #MakanyaMikirDuluYaPakJokowi #OtakTolongDiPakaiRight, “wrote Nabila Putri’s Facebook account.

The download was shared 776 times and received four thousand comments from citizens. Aside from the hate speech delivered by the Nabila Putri account, is it true that President Jokowi canceled Friday prayers at the mosque?


Based on research Suara.comNo news has been found indicating that President Jokowi has canceled Friday prayers at the mosque because of the crown.

Based on a search via Google with keywords “Perform Friday prayers” found news from titled “Mosque council against Friday prayer at the mosque because of Corona”.

In the news, Jakarta Chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI), Ma’mun Alayubi, said he had called for the abolition of Friday prayers to prevent the transmission of the corona virus.

“This renewal of our call refers to MUI Fatwa, to the call of the governor of DKI Jakarta and Maklumat Kapolri, the goal is not only to focus on the elimination of Friday prayers, but on other activities that come together in places of worship, “he said.

It is therefore clear that the call did not come from President Jokowi but from MUI Fatwa, the governor of DKI Jakarta and information from the chief of police. This was done for the common good to reduce the rate of spread of the corona virus.

In addition, the photos included in the download are modified. The original photo was first uploaded by Time Overseas newspaper on May 21, 2016.


From the above explanation, it is clear that the download contains false information and photo edits to produce content. hate speech or hate speech.

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This article is part of the Check Fact content. Made as accurate as possible with the source as clear as possible, but need not be a reference to the real truth (as there is always the potential for misinformation). More complete information on the facts can be read on this page. (Public) readers are also invited to comment / criticize, either through the comments column in any related content, by contacting the editor of, or by submitting a problem / complaint that needs to be verified or verified by e-mail [email protected].

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