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Pakistan recoils from “Pulwama admission”; refutes PM Modi’s comments about his “ involvement ”

Pakistan recoils from “Pulwama admission”;  refutes PM Modi’s comments about his “ involvement ”
Pakistan recoils from “Pulwama admission”;  refutes PM Modi’s comments about his “ involvement ”


After Pulwama’s “shocking admission,” Pakistan’s foreign affairs spokesperson on Saturday, “dismissed any innuendo about his involvement in the Pulwama attack.” Calling Prime Minister Modi’s speech against Pakistan “ an attempt to distort the words of the Pakistani minister ”, Pakistan now claims its Minister Fawad Chaudhury was speaking about the air brawl between the two countries in February 2019. From Shockingly, Pakistan claimed that “India has failed to provide any credible evidence of the alleged involvement of Pak”, despite the handover from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).

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Pakistan waives ‘Pulwama admission’

#Pakistan rejects the Indian Prime Minister’s remarks hinting at his involvement in the Pulwama attack.

This is a brazen attempt to distort the words of a minister, which referred to the armed forces’ appropriate response in broad daylight to India’s ill-conceived mishap of February 26, 2019. 1/4

– MoFA spokesperson (@ForeignOfficePk) October 31, 2020

Pakistan admits Pulwama attack in assembly; call it “ Imran Khan’s great achievement ”

PM Modi denounces opposition to Pulwama

In a fierce attack on the opposition, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Saturday that those who questioned the 2019 Pulwama terrorist attack were being exposed after Pakistan’s admission to parliament. Speaking at the National Unity Day event at the Unity Statue in Kevadia, Gujarat, for the 145th anniversary of the birth of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Prime Minister Modi said those who appeal in politics after the terrorist attack on Pulwama played the tunes the “enemy nation”. The Prime Minister is on a two-day visit to Gujarat and attended the “Rashtriya Ekta Diwas” parade and paid tribute to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

Prime Minister Modi said: “When I watched the parade, I remembered the terrorist attack in Pulwama. This country cannot forget the selfish attitude of these people even as our Forces lost their lives. didn’t say a word then, I tolerated everything without saying a word because I was in pain. “

“But in recent days, the admission of the Pulwama attack which occurred in the parliament of the neighboring country, has denounced those who were engaged in politics at that time and raised questions. It showed the country how far they can go. I would like to tell them that by carrying out such policies, they are playing in the hands of the enemy nation and it will not benefit them or their parties, ”he added.

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Pakistan admits Pulwama attack

Pakistani Minister Fawad Chaudhury publicly acknowledged the Imran Khan government’s involvement in the 2019 Pulwama attack in which 40 Indian army jawans were killed in the National Assembly on Thursday in a shocking admission from Pakistan. Chaudhury – who is the Federal Minister of Science and Technology – claimed that “the Pulwama attack was the greatest achievement” of the Imran Khan government. In retaliation for assertions by PML-N leader Ayaz Sadiq about the “return of Abhinandan”, Chaudhury called the terrorist attack an exploit where Pakistan “struck India in its region” (Ghuske maara Bharat ko ).

“Sadiq saab, you have been respected and involved in some high level issues and you are talking about it in the assembly. You lie so easily that Qureshi’s legs are shaking. We hit India on its own territory. Success in Pulwama is the success of this community under the government of Imran Khan. You and I are all proud of it. The way we attacked India after Pulwama on their own territory, ”Chaudhury said, as members clapped their hands on their desks. This admission was a day after PML-N chief Ayaz Sadiq claimed Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi was sweating and trembling “ begging to send Abhinandan back to India ”, otherwise “ India must attack at 9 p.m. ”, while addressing the National Assembly of Pakistan. .

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