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Did Tommy Lee call Donald Trump in the middle of a coronavirus pandemic with an NSFW message?


Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee shared a blasphemous open letter to President Donald Trump criticizing the federal government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic on Facebook two weeks ago. The letter was widely distributed on social media, with screenshots on Twitter. However, the message was wrongly attributed to Lee and the majority of the text it contained predates the coronavian pandemic.

Lee credited the letter, addressed to “Dear F— Lunatic”, to “Craig Alan Wilkins”. Lee may have seen the letter posted on social media by a Wilkins, but it may not even have been written by someone by that name. Snopes found out that most of the letter was published on Daily Kos December 29, 2017 by a person with the pen name “Aldous J Pennyfarthing”. The letter was published the next day The New York Times published an interview with Trump in which he said he loved Chinese President Xi Jinping.

There are a few references to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic in the post Lee shared, but it’s unclear who actually wrote them or where they came from. A Facebook user “Craig Alan Wilkins” could be responsible, but the person behind the letter “Pennyfarthing” could also be responsible. “Pennyfarthing” published the letter in a 2018 book titled Dear F * cking Lunatic: 101 Obscene and rude letters to Donald Trump.

Lee, 57, was busy during the coronavirus pandemic, although he remains at home in self-quarantine. He seems to have quarreled with his son, The Hills: New Beginsings star Brandon Lee, behind him. Lee shared a video of the two smokers while lifting weights together on Instagram Thursday.

In 2018, Lee accused Brandon of assaulting him, and the two let their quarrel take place on social media. The quarrel also played a role in Brandon Hills history, notes Entertainment tonight. Now, with the rest of the world together, it seems that Lee and his son are doing the same.

In November 2019, Motley Crue literally blew up the contract they signed in 2014 to never shoot again after finishing their “final” tour in 2015. They announced plans for a joint stadium tour with Poson and Def Leppard for 2020. Joan Jett and The Blackhearts will also join them.

The visit is planned which begins June 18 in Jacksonville, Florida, and ends at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California on September 5. The groups have not said if days will be changed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Photo credit: Emma McIntyre / Getty Images for SiriusXM

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