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Kemenkumham obeys President Joko Widodo not to release corrupt prisoners


Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Ministry of Law and Human Rights has declared that it is following President Joko Widodo’s decision not to release corrupt prisoners due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The government must listen. If the coordinating minister for policy, law and security does not intend to revise the provisions mentioned, not to mention the president’s order, then the ministry of law and human rights must be in conformity with the decision, “said the head of the office of public relations, law and cooperation of the general secretariat of Kemenkumham. , Bambang Wiyono, contacted by ANTARA, in Jakarta, Monday.

Bambang said that further consideration and study is needed regarding the release of the corrupters in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic.

“We must still think and study in depth, lest what is decided contrary to the rules of applicable law and lead to controversy,” he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo stressed that the government has no plans to release those convicted of corruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I mean we never talked about corrupt prisoners at our meetings, so regarding PP 99 from 2012, I have to say there is no review on this,” said Monday President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace in Bogor (6/4). ).

President Jokowi shared this at a limited meeting on the subject of “Covid-19 Task Force Team Report” through a video conference with Vice President Ma’ruf Amin, Indonesian cabinet ministers and Chairman of the Corona Virus Management Working Group (COVID-19) as well as the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Doni Monardo.

“The release of prisoners only concerns general convicts,” said the president.

Previously, there was a lot of discussion about the possibility of revising government regulation (PP) No. 99 of 2012 regarding the requirements and procedures for the implementation of citizens’ guidance rights.

Article 34 states that bribery convicts are those who are willing to cooperate with law enforcement to help dismantle criminal cases and who have paid fines and compensation in accordance with the decisions of justice.

The Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna H Laoly signed the Ministerial Decree (Kepmen) number M.HH-19.PK.01.04.04 of 2020 concerning the expenses and exemptions of prisoners and children by assimilation and integration to prevent and control the spread COVID-19 on March 30, 2020 for 30,000 detainees and children who can also save the state budget for the needs of detainees up to 260 billion rupees.

However, the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) has protested the possibility of releasing prisoners of corruption over the age of 60 who have served 2/3 of their detention may be released by the revision of government regulation 99 2012.

According to ICW data, the number of those convicted of corruption is also not comparable to that of other convicts. Data from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in 2018 indicates that the number of prisoners across Indonesia reached 248,690 people and 4,552 of them were convicted of corruption.

This means that corrupt detainees represent only 1.8% of the total detainees.

Yasonna himself denied this by stating that special criminal detainees were also considered to be expelled from prisons / pre-trial detention centers, Permenkumham 10/2020 and Kepmenkumham number M.HH-19.PK.01.04.04 from 2020 should not be subject to regulation PP 99/2012.

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