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A leadership lesson that Al Mohler has not learned (chat discussion)


Recently my friend Zeke Piestrup, who made this great documentary on Harold Camping, sent me this link from Al Mohler’s personal blog. Al Mohler, a huge big name in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), wrote “a lesson in leadership” that he would do well to learn on his own. Today, let me show you how easy it is for a REAL CHRISTIAN to ignore the beam in his eye while focusing on someone else’s spot.

“A lesson in leadership.”

Al Mohler is, of course, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also a big name in his denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Being as it is an irreducible product of the Conservative resurgenceand one of the guys responsible for create modern fundagelism, he has never encountered a subject of discussion or a cultural war that he did not like.

Then yes. we can always Count on Al Mohler to provide the cruelest and most overtly theocratic hold imaginable on any subject of cultural warfare.

But it also provides us with a 24/7 object lesson on fundagelical projection.

The final case is in one of his recent articles, “Why do autocratic leaders avoid the camera when the news is bad?” A lesson in leadership. “

You can find the full archived message here. The “leadership lesson” takes place in its third part.


It’s almostpicturesqueto see a fundagelical cushion its drawers on communism. You see, it was the great moral panicthey hadbeforesatanic panic. It’s still a big moral panic for a lot of old funds, thanks to their total incapacity to withdraw outdated or demystified claims. This old tired moral panic even claims the sensitivity of these young fundagelicals who try too hard to be the minis of their elders.

I still remember all the hustle and bustle of communism when I was just a little Pentecostal teenager myself. We had grimly illustrated comics about the heroic REAL CHRISTIANS sneaking into the Soviet Union to evangelize. The preachers spoke out against atheism, which they claimed was a direct product of communism, and spoke in horror of all the ZOMG genocides caused by “unholy communism”.

So here we are with Al Mohler twisting his wizarding hands on ZOMG COMMUNISM in part III of his essay. It’s so weird to see and remember how important communism was in young people like this.

Hypocrite of the king.

Of course, this part of his essay comes after two other parts containing his twisting hand on ZOMG DICTATORSHIP COMING TO FREEDOM LAND. Part III is actually quite short. Basically, he is upset by the quarantine orders. He sees these orders as too dictatorial for a democracy to tolerate them.

My God, if we had no idea who Mohler is, we could confuse his essay with real concern about civil liberties. But he has been helping his tribe destroy democracy for decades. He had loveso that America becomes a theocracy led by King Him and his friends. If he is concerned about quarantine orders, then we can rest assured that he is concerned for practical and selfish reasons. Here are two possible reasons – the two assumptions on my part, but built on stuff like that:

  • Churches need people to participate in the flesh to maintain the gifts. Christians probably don’t make as many donations when viewing sermons from a distance. Tithes are already in the crapper – only a fraction of Christians bother to donatewhatever, let alone 10% or more of their income.
  • Churches must make great efforts to maintain regular attendance of their flocks, as they are completely redundant, or even actively harm people’s lives.Only a small percentage of Christians pretend to go to church regularly as is; the actual attendance rate is probably much weaker than the claim. – I have noticed that if Christians give up regular attendance for too long, they rarely resume it. The Al Mohler tribe lost its ability, decades ago, to force people to go to church every Sunday, so they must do everything in their power to prevent the attendance from collapsing. .

I doubt that Patriotism or the love of democracy of Al Mohler raises his concerns. I mean, part IV of his essay is a screed against right to abortion. No, it goes 100% well with government interference in people’s privacy. It just has to be an interference that fits with its cultural wars.

Okay, now let’s look at evil communism.

Part III of the essay includes “a lesson in leadership”. Al Mohler writes about how Xi Jinping, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party, “rarely went out to the media in China to report bad news. Instead, it came out, when it was supposed to represent a great achievement or a patriotic moment. “

Mohler then said that Vladimir Putin did the same by “putting forward other government spokespersons when the need is to convey bad news.”

Its takeaways:

A true leader, it should be noted, true leadership requires taking responsibility for both good and bad. [. . .] Reserving the right to speak only of the good news is in fact a sign not only of an absence of leadership, but also of an absence of democracy.

Reading this, I laughed!

These Ebil Comrades Can’t Handle Bad News! Not like us virtuous MURRIKINS, FRIENDSHIP?

Why Oh Why do Fundagelicals useful idiots avoid the camera when the news is bad?

The very first response that came to my mind was that of Donald Trump. Of course. He is the biggest coward on Earth. It always has been.

The New York Times, “President Trump is leaving. Again and again. “May 2, 2017.”

On March 9, this unspeakable coward blew me away leaving a press conference on the pandemic. Here is a video:

CNBC television coverage of the press conference on COVID-19. Trump fled around 1:20 p.m.

Whenever someone needs at least Trump imitatea real living president, he rushes over. Each time, he behaves like a tyrant of the schoolyard who has just been successfully challenged for the first time: he is furious and disconcerted that nobody is impressed by him by doing the presidential equivalent of stink in its gold-plated pot. In the weeks following this March 9 bailer, he can’t handle to behave like a world leader at a time of monumental crisis.

Yes, it is deffo King Cyrus reincarnated! Yes! Deffo! A true witness to the power and power of Jesus! Blow them shofar horns, all of you!

Years ago I remember many jokes about President Dubya avoiding difficult questions and situations. Republicans generally continue this trend. Heck, that’s why millions of us cheered for it “I reclaim my time“Same. finally, someone held these nutjobs responsible for their cheeky behavior!

But we don’t need to turn to the most prized fundagellismuseful idiotsand dancing bears to see Al Mohler’s complete lack of self-awareness.

We could, for example, look at the leaders of Al Mohler’s own denomination.

Avoid, avoid, avoid!

I have yet to see anything significant from J.D. Greear, President of the CBC, regarding the name of huge sexual abuse scandal. Last week, theHouston Chronicle innocently wondered what the COVID-19 pandemic would mean for this situation.

See, J.D.earear unexpectedly got another year to be the king of Baptiste County. The SBC has canceled its big jamboree this year. It was then that the SBC would have elected its next president. They must meet in person to do so. They cannot vote remotely or electronically. (In fact, they vehemently rejected any suggestion for change. People must be physically present “in the room“To have a say in the SBC!)

Presidents only govern for two years. So they are usually out before they can do anything. As a rule, they only have time to do a few postures. They create WORK FORCES and other committees, then another president rushes to undo everything.

So J.D. Greear could use your extra year to make a real impact.

Or, alternatively, he could use that extra year to become the king of Baptiste County while pretending to care about the problems of the SBC. It sounds exactly like what he plans to do, unfortunately. His latest blog entries containnothingabout all of this.Baptist News Globaldoesn’t contain anything either.

In reality, no SBC executives seem too keen to rush into the action with all their overtime.

This total lack of self-awareness.

The SBC is such an “autocratic” group that their leaders act exactly as Al Mohler claims that Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping act.

So far I see a lot of bluster and crocodile postures and tears on the SBC regarding thedismalsituations in which they find themselves. They face an unprecedented loss of power, credibility and membership, as well as a huge scandal of sexual abuse and what appears to be serious financial problems.

But we have to learn more about all these things on the side andothers – and of reading between the lines of official communications. So far, the SBC is only acting to correct a glaring problem when theymust, and when its leaders decide to get rid of the pot, they do as little as possible.

Their goal is to return to the swanning-around and lording-over that they largely prefer, and to return to it as quickly as possible.

The winning team no longer wins.

Communicating honestly and frankly with the public about their problems would reveal how little the CBC does about these problems – and how little they care about solving them. Worse, it would reveal that they aredo notJesus’ favorite winning team.

Nothing alienates authoritarian herds more than being part of a “losing” team. (Bullies lose a lot of their power once one of their victims stands up to them, after all.)

Once an authoritarian group reveals that it is losing somewhere, its fan base begins to move away. They are looking for “Winner team. “They give their money to the winners, not the losers.

This is probably a large part of the reason why the leaders of China and Russia behave like fundagelicals when it comes to communicating bad news. After decades of instilling tribalism in the herds, none of these leaders can confront them with bad revolutionary news.

I’d wait sooner for Al Mohler to deliver a supportive speech during a Ghost concert only for him to see any of these similarities, however.

So I ask: Gee, Al Mohler, whymakeSBC leaders avoid the cameras when the news is bad?

NEXT: Lord Snow Presides! Then: Fundagelicals’ miscalculations reveal the story of the pandemic they are trying to weave. See you tomorrow!

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Also check outour Graceful Atheist podcast interview! It was an explosion.

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