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President Joko Widodo calls for immediate distribution of social assistance with the right target


TRIBUN-BALI.COM, JAKARTA – President Joko Widodo stressed that a number of social safety net programs put in place by the government in order to maintain the purchasing power of the populations in the midst of the Covid-19 emergency response must be really on the right track.

This was communicated by the President during a limited meeting to discuss the effectiveness of the distribution of social safety net programs by teleconference from the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday (04/07/2020).

“Because these programs are important for the population, I want to emphasize that their implementation must be truly in line with the objectives,” he said.

Data on the program beneficiary group should be able to specify the beneficiaries in order to ensure accuracy. The participation of regional and village governments was also requested by the president.

The Head of State asked that the distribution of the safety net or social assistance be carried out as soon as possible with the distribution mechanism which has been made as efficient as possible.

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“Use practical, uncomplicated and difficult methods for the community. Design mechanisms that involve the micro and small business sector, market grocers and motorcycle taxi transport services so that they can include the businesses listed below. underneath, “he said.

Note that a number of basic aid policies have been set by the government with allocated funds of 110 billion rupees.

Among them, the increase in the number of beneficiaries and the value of benefits for the Family Hope Program (PKH). From 9.2 million beneficiaries previously registered, it is now increased to 10 million beneficiaries.

Although the value of employee benefits has also increased by approximately 25%, distribution has been accelerated from three months to once a month.

“The basic needs map has also increased from 15.2 million beneficiaries to 20 million beneficiaries, the value of which has been increased by 30 percent from Rp150,000 to Rp200 thousand and distributed over nine months,” added the president.

Specifically for the community, especially the lower strata, which are around Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek), the government is preparing a social assistance program for around 3.7 million beneficiaries.

“1.1 million (recipients) will be prepared by the provincial government of DKI Jakarta and 2.6 million (recipients) will be prepared by the central government for two months in accordance with the emergency response period stipulated by the Covid task force -19 “, he said.

In addition, the President also instructed the Minister of Social Affairs to immediately distribute 200,000 food parcels in the Jabodetabek region and the work permit which will soon be implemented from April 9, 2020.

The budget for the job card program itself has been cut from Rs 10 trillion to Rs 20 trillion. Program beneficiaries should also target 5.6 million beneficiaries.

“Especially for people affected by layoffs, informal workers and micro and small businesses affected by Covid-19,” he said.

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