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Construction projects in Punjab, KP will help generate 1.1 trillion rupees


| Chief Secretaries Inform PM of Requests for Approval of Projects Over 50 Million Square Feet Received | Imran Khan says the growth of construction activities to strengthen the economy | Ravi City, Bundle Island projects to have a positive impact on the economy



Prime Minister Imran Khan was informed on Friday that the governments of the Punjab and KPK have received requests for approval of construction projects of more than 50 million square feet that would generate economic activity of around 1.1 trillion rupees.

At the weekly meeting of the National Co-ordinating Committee on Housing, Construction and Development, the Chief Secretary of Punjab said that from across the province they have received requests for construction projects of over 44 million feet square footage, for which approval for 20 million square feet had already been granted.

Special assistants to Prime Minister Malik Amin Aslam and Shahbaz Gill, Adviser Dr Ishrat Hussain, federal and provincial secretaries and senior officers attended the meeting, a press release from the prime minister’s office said.

The Chief Secretary of Punjab told the meeting that with the strengthening of construction activities, the consumption of all related materials like cement, bricks and steel also increased. As a result of the construction on an area of ​​44 million square feet, an economic activity worth 1 trillion rupees (1000 billion rupees) would generate, he added.

Likewise, the chief secretary of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa said he had received requests for construction projects of more than six million square feet, which would generate economic activity of around 100 billion rupees.

The Prime Minister believed that the acceleration of construction activity would improve the national economy in addition to providing employment opportunities to the population.

He also ordered the government of Punjab to approve the requests received without delay, following the prescribed rules. In addition, focusing on raising awareness of the Naya Pakistan housing program, the Prime Minister instructed Pakistan Telecommunication and NEPRA to coordinate with the State Bank of Pakistan to resolve the issues facing the construction industry. .

State Bank Governor Raza Baqir told the meeting that banks are fully facilitating the loan process for building houses under Naya Pakistan’s housing program. In addition, special counters had been installed in around half of the bank branches in each district of the country. A representative of Bank Al Habib informed the meeting that they have so far approved a loan worth Rs 6 billion for the construction industry.

On this occasion, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the growth of construction activities will strengthen the Pakistani economy and provide employment opportunities for the people. The Prime Minister ordered the government of Punjab to approve construction requests as soon as possible in accordance with the laws in force.

He also called on the Pakistan Telecommunication and National Electric Power Regulatory Authority to work with the State Bank of Pakistan to resolve the problems related to the construction sector as soon as possible. The Prime Minister insisted on raising public awareness regarding the Naya Pakistan housing program.

Coastal line achievable for urban constructions

Prime Minister Imran Khan also said that Pakistan’s coastline is feasible for world-class urban constructions and tourism and has the capacity to create huge opportunities for foreign investment.

On Friday, he chaired a meeting of the Pakistan Island Development Authority and Ravi Urban Development Authority working groups in Islamabad. The prime minister said the Ravi City project will not only help reduce demographic pressure on big cities like Lahore, but also introduce new dimensions of town planning.

He said the big projects will have a positive impact on the country’s economy and the lives of ordinary people.

He said these projects will help develop the local industry and create new job opportunities in the country.

The Prime Minister was informed that Ravi City and the urban centers on the islands will be built according to the principles of the green city for the first time in the history of Pakistan.

All possible installations for industry

Prime Minister Imran Khan said providing all possible facilities to industry is one of the government’s top priorities to stabilize the country’s economy. Speaking to Energy Division Minister Omar Ayub Khan in Islamabad on Friday, he expressed satisfaction at the gesture of the business community to welcome the government’s decision to provide electricity at subsidized tariffs . The Minister of the Energy Division briefed the Prime Minister on matters relating to the industrial complex, energy and petroleum. He said the government’s decision to provide electricity at subsidized tariffs had produced positive results.

Pakistan’s commitment to peace in Afghanistan

Earlier, Prime Minister Imran Khan said his first visit to Kabul on Thursday was “another step towards conveying Pakistan’s commitment to peace in Afghanistan.”

On Twitter, the prime minister said he never believed in military solutions, but instead always believed that peace in Afghanistan would be achieved through political dialogue. “After the Afghans, we have the greatest interest in this peace as it will allow connectivity and trade, bringing prosperity to Afghans and Pakistanis,” he added.

The prime minister said that the Pakistani people living in the tribal areas, who had suffered the ravages of the war in Afghanistan, would particularly benefit from peace and trade.


Ravi City, Bundle Island projects to have a positive impact on the economy

Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Friday that the mega urban development projects in Ravi City, Lahore and Bundle Island, Karachi would have a positive impact on the country’s economy and the lives of ordinary men.

The two megaprojects, in addition to promoting local industries, would also help create employment opportunities in the country, he added.

The Prime Minister expressed these views by chairing a meeting here of the Pakistan Island Development Authority (PIDA) and Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDA) working groups.

He said Pakistan’s coastline is not only suitable for tourism and urban development in line with international standards, but also has the potential to create many investment opportunities.

The Prime Minister added that the Ravi City project, in addition to reducing the pressure of the urban population in the big city of Lahore, would introduce new dimensions of urban planning in the country.

During the meeting, which was attended by Governor of Sindh Imran Ismail and Chief Secretary of Punjab Jawad Rafiq Malik by video link, the PM was briefed on the progress made so far on the two projects. .

The Prime Minister has learned that the urban centers of Ravi City and Bundle Island will be built for the first time in the country’s history in accordance with the principles of a green city.

The chairman of the Ravi Urban Development Authority told the meeting that the investigation of 18,600 acres of land for construction had been completed, which did not require any evacuation or relocation of local residents.

He said the Ravi City project, in addition to providing the population with residential facilities that meet international standards, would prove to be a model to follow in the region due to the availability of basic amenities such as sewers, underground water tanks, safety and environmental protection.

It can be mentioned here that instead of contracting loans, the two projects are developing on the basis of a public-private partnership in which international institutions and investors are keenly interested.

The President of the Island Development Authority of Pakistan informed the Prime Minister of the interest shown by various international companies in the general planning and environmental study of the development of the island.

The fruits of economic stabilization should reach the common man

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday, while expressing his satisfaction with the situation of economic stabilization in the country, stressed that the fruits of the improvement of the economy should reach ordinary man as soon as possible. .

He said that with the government’s strategy to tackle the internationally hailed COVID-19 situation, the Pakistani economy was developing rapidly in the region, which is what the economic team and its coordinated strategy deserved to be. greeted.

The Prime Minister expressed his views while chairing a meeting held here to review the country’s economic situation.

Federal Ministers Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtiar, Muhammad Hammad Azhar, Financial Advisor Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh, Adviser on Institutional Reforms Dr Ishrat Hussain and Special Assistant to the Prime Minister Dr Waqar Masood were present .

The Prime Minister congratulated the economic team for its efforts in terms of economic discipline and better debt management. He described the positive trends depicted in the country’s large-scale manufacturing (LSM) sector as a good omen for the economy.

The meeting also discussed in detail the possible effects of the second wave of coronavirus on the country’s economy as well as the protection of poor segments of society through the Kefalat program.

PM assigns governors to oversee elimination of Citizen Portal complaints in provinces

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday tasked provincial governors with reviewing the mechanism for handling complaints registered through the Pakistani Citizens Portal (PCP) regarding federal departments operating in their respective provinces.

Governors would periodically assess the performance of the PCP dashboards of federal government organizations and a senior official would be appointed to liaise regularly with the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit (PMDU).

The decision was made due to the lack of a collective assessment of the performance of federal government organizations operating in the provinces.

The PMDU was also tasked with creating proprietary dashboards for governors’ offices and providing guidance to designated focal persons.

The Citizen Portal has become the most reliable means for resolving complaints by providing ordinary men with a forum as well as a voice to raise the issue.

The registration of around three million people on the portal demonstrated people’s confidence in the system.

People filed 2.7 million complaints with a 94% resolution and a total of 617,000 complainants posted satisfactory comments.

In order to receive and handle complaints from the public, 8,913 PCP dashboards have been created for officers of all government agencies across the country. In addition to the provincial departments, dashboards have also been created for officers of federal government organizations working in the provinces.

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