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8 facts about free and paid Covid-19 vaccines, Jokowi reminds us: Okezone Economy


JAKARTA – The government provides the Covid-19 vaccine free and paid. For the injection of the Covid-19 vaccine, it is scheduled for December 2020.

However, before the Covid-19 vaccine it is injected, there are still steps to be taken. One of them concerns the steps of issuing an emergency use authorization or EUA of the POM.

The POM said the Covid-19 Sinovac vaccine from China was of good quality. Currently, the Covid-19 Sinovac vaccine is still conducting phase III clinical trials.

Here are the summary facts Okezone, Jakarta, Saturday (11/21/2020).

1. Covid-19 vaccine available in December

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) still hopes that covid-19 vaccine arrived in Indonesia at the end of November. His party is still trying to keep the vaccine coming on schedule.

But if you can’t, that means go in December. “Both in the form of finished vaccines and in the form of raw materials that will be processed at Bio Farma,” he said in a press release at the Tanah Sereal Community Health Center on Wednesday (18/2020).

Also read: Jokowi only buys Covid-19 vaccine which is on WHO list

2. Stages of vaccination

Jokowi also explained that after the vaccine arrived in Indonesia, it was not immediately injected into the public. He said there were still steps to be taken. One of them concerns the steps of issuing an emergency use authorization or EUA of the POM.

This step therefore takes time. Maybe between three weeks or so. After getting permission from BPOM, we will do the vaccination, he said.

“Scientific principles, I also said that these scientific principles must be followed. We really want the safety and security of people to have the highest priority,” he said.

3. Distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine

Jokowi said that if you watch the simulation in Tanah Sereal Puskesmas, the vaccination will start at the end of 2020 or at the beginning of 2021. This is because it takes a long preparation and a long process.

We also need to prepare for distribution across the country. It is not so simple. Distributing vaccines is not easy. It is not an article like the other articles. Requires a cold chain, cold to some extent. Each vaccine from a different product requires a different distribution model. This is what we continue to prepare so that subsequent regions receive vaccines immediately and the vaccines are not damaged, he concluded.

4. Free and paid Covid-19 vaccines

President Joko Widodo said: Covid-19 vaccination divided into two segments, namely program and independent. The vaccination program is free by the government, while the community is paid independently.

Jokowi said that currently, the government continues to step up notification of the Covid-19 vaccination. The delivery of this information will be done as much as possible.

“Either later, those who participate in the vaccination program or independent vaccination. So there are those who do not pay for the free vaccination programs. Some pay, namely independent vaccination. These two things go hand in hand.” , Jokowi said during the review of the vaccination simulations at Tanah Sareal Health Center, Bogor, Java. West, Wednesday (11/18/2020).

5. Priority groups for Covid-19 vaccine recipients

Jokowi said the groups that were vaccinated included first health workers, whether they were doctors, nurses or ambulance attendants, then TNI-Polri, then state officials ( ASN) who provide public services and teachers.

“If someone asks the president later in front or behind? If the team asks me to be up front, I’m ready,” he said.

6. Vaccines on the WHO list

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stressed that Indonesia will purchase the corona virus vaccine recommended by WHO. The head of state does not even question the brand of vaccine.

“As long as it’s already on the WHO list. That’s what we will buy,” he said.

He also did not respond to whether to purchase two vaccines known to have a high level of efficacy, namely Pfizer’s axin and Moderna’s vaccine.

“I said we would buy the vaccine from a company that is on the WHO list. I’m not talking about which brand,” he said.

7. Quality of the Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine

The Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) guarantees that the quality of the Covid-19 vaccine manufactured by Sinovac Ltd in China is of good quality. This was confirmed when a BPOM team observed the vaccine maker directly in the Bamboo Curtain Country for a month.

Based on the last inspection a month there thank goodness I got enough data and good data. So we guarantee the quality is good, BPOM manager Penny Lukito said at an online press conference Thursday (11/19/2020).

8. Covid-19 vaccine injection

The Covid-19 vaccination done by Sinovac of China in Indonesia is scheduled for the third and fourth weeks of January 2021. The program can only be executed when the Food and Drug Control Agency (BPOM) obtains the authorization of World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the emergency use of the authorization. (USA).

So the hope is that in the third and fourth weeks we will get the EUA, if even then the data obtained is complete, BPOM official Penny Lukito said in an online press conference on Thursday (11/19 / 2020).

He explained that vaccination had been delayed due to incomplete requirements for obtaining WHO clearance for EUA.

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