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Evangelists “gather” in the Irish Channel to pray for Donald Trump | The last | Weekly gambit


Itinerant evangelical preacher Sharon Bolan is selling spiritual wares tonight at the Rally Pray for America held at the Jackson Avenue Evangelical Church in the Irish Channel, in hopes “of having an impact on the outcome of this presidential election. by the power of prayer. “

In a recent blog post, Bolan informed his flock that God told him that the New Testament book commonly known as Revelation was an unfolding prophecy and that Donald J. Trump had been chosen by God to lead for four years of more.

[Republicans] come as a force of mighty waters and will burst through all the lies and deception the serpent has sown, she wrote recently

Bolan, who also sells a line of decorative pillows and Christ-themed COVID-19 masks, also indicated Democrats are the enemy.

The event was also promoted by Martha Henderson Huckabay, who is president of the Womens Republican Club of New Orleans and often circulates conspiracy theories about Bill Gates, George Soros and rigged elections.

The political nature of the rally does not appear to have been revealed to the spacious, nearly 200-year-old Jackson Avenue Church, which agreed to host Bolan at the suggestion of Simone Demolition Diva Bruni, and was supported by others. loyal to its regular services.

The way it was presented to us, and what we accepted, is that it is a prayer for the country, said Joanne Hilton, a spokesperson for the church. Hilton also said the church does not approve of mixing politics with eternal salvation and that she believes it will work as an evening service, not as a “rally” despite the way it is promoted.

We never talk about [politics.] We believe in the separation of Church and State. We don’t know how anyone here votes, she said, adding that she was prepared to cut the mic if it got political.

We don’t want to create a problem, Hilton warned, explaining that event attendees should adhere to the Phase 3.3 guidelines and that she brought a box full of face masks in case someone forgets theirs. at home.

Bolan, who travels frequently for various religious engagements, posted a maskless selfie from a plane earlier today on his official ministerial account.

Hilton isn’t the only one not looking for trouble when it comes to Bolan, and neither are city officials. In a statement to Gambit, Mayor LaToya Cantrells’ administration admitted they were aware of the event and said they expected the MAGA masses to abide by city rules.

A city spokesperson said officials were aware of the event and organizers had made it clear that they would adopt appropriate social distancing protocols. Places of worship are currently permitted to provide services at 50% of licensed occupancy or 500 people, whichever is smaller. Hilton said she believes the church has enough space to accommodate around 100 to 120 people with social distancing protocols.

But some residents are concerned about this type of event, especially as COVID-19 cases are skyrocketing in all parts of the state.

A 36-year-old woman who lives nearby and only wanted to give her first name, Elizabeth, noted: These events do not have the best record to comply with or even believe in the measures needed to combat the spread of [the virus.]. Based on their compliance, a rally like this seems to endanger many people in our neighborhood.

Gambit has reached out to Bolan for feedback on the rally, and we’ll update this article as needed.

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