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The Minister of Information denounces the leaders of the PPP and the PML-N suddenly


Lahore – Punjab Information Minister Fayyaz-ul-Hassan Chauhan said Asif Zardari introduced the new money laundering method through several actresses in the showbiz, including Ayann Ali.

He said that Bilawal Zardari was not allowed to carry the torch of freedom of expression unless the murderers of the deceased journalist Aziz Memon, belonging to the Pakistan People’s Party, were put behind bars.

Speaking to the media during the tree planting campaign in Al-Hamra here on Tuesday, Fayyaz-ul-Hassan Chauhan said that family leader Sharif, Rana Mashood, colluding with Hamza Shahbaz, had made billions using government influence in the poultry sector.

"Now the infamous Punjab" poultry mafia "is advising the current government on education sector reform," said the minister. Citing official data released at the time of the N-League, he said that seven children from Lac had left school in the past ten years.

Fayyaz-ul-Hassan Chauhan said more than 21,000 students had returned to schools after the introduction of the Insaf Afternoon Schools program while the Teachers' Licensing Act had been introduced for the first time to maintain the Up-to-date teacher expertise and performance. .

The Minister of Information added that by introducing an electronic transfer policy, the government had not only restored the dignity of teachers but also put an end to annual corruption of three to four billion.

Speaking of the performance of the higher education department in the province, Fayyaz-ul-Hassan Chauhan said that the government was currently working on the creation of eight new universities, while a university meeting international standards was also going to be launched in each division. He noted that at the end of this fiscal year, a four-year honors baccalaureate program would be launched in more than 100 colleges in the province.

Fayyaz-ul-Hassan Chauhan said that Bilawal Bhutto's father, who called the PTI government hypocritical on the IMF issue, formed the government on the false will of the late Benazir Bhutto.

General Pervez Musharraf liberated Pakistan from the IMF, but the PPP government led by Asif Zardari at the Center has kept Pakistan in the grips of the IMF. Calling the father-son duo corrupt, Chohan said the People's Party was trying in vain to hold public meetings in Punjab on rental workers.

Expressing his views on the planting campaign, he said that Prime Minister Imran Khan understood the effects of global warming. The PTI government has thus far planted more than 2 Crore plants as part of Imran Khan's Billion Tree Tsunami project.

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